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Q: How many buildings collapsed in Haiti 2010?
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How many commercial buildings collapsed in the Haiti earthquake?

over 200

How many buildings were destroyed in haiti?

3 billion

How many buildings were torn down by the Haiti earthquake?

A lot

How many buildings were destroyed while the haiti earthquake?


Why was there not as much destruction and injury in Chile than Haiti?

Chile often has earthquakes, though not as strong as this 2010 one, so they have strict building codes for new buildings. The buildings then are stronger and many of them will not fall down.

What happend in Haiti earthquake?

A massive earthquake struck the island of Hisponola, which is where Haiti and the Dominican Republis are. The epicenter (center of earthquake) was near the Haitian capitol of Port au Prince. Many buildings there are not built to the same standards as in America or otehr 1st world countries, and so collapsed, trapping thousands.

How many buildings were collapsed or severely damaged in the Chile earthquake?

A lotover 20,000

How many buildings have calasped in haiti?

i don't know go home

What happened in the Haiti earthquake?

in the Haiti earthquake loads of people died and many injured. buildings were destroyed and company's closed

How people where injured in Haiti earthquake?

Most of the people died in Haiti because of the many buildings that were destroyed by the 7.0 magnitude earthquake.

What happen when Haiti got its earthquake?

Haiti lost loads of buildings, water supplies, medicene and money. It also lost loads of people due to fallen buildings, and many thus were made homeless.

What happened when the earthquake hit Haiti?

Most buildings in Haiti were not built to withstand even a moderate earthquake. Almost all of the structures collapsed or were badly damaged, with significant loss of life. Many victims were buried under rubble and the poor infrastructure of the country did not have the means to rescue them. The government of Haiti was nearly powerless to provide any response to the disaster and depended on foreign assistance, chiefly from the US and Latin American nations.