

How many butterflyies are they in the world?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: How many butterflyies are they in the world?
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How are butterflyies used by humans?

I believe that we use them as pollinators for flowers and plants, like bees, but a backup, but if you mean like in tests and experiments then I do not know, sorry.

How many types of butterflies are known?

There are thousands of species around the world, and about 900 just here in the United States. In any given state, there are likely a few hundred that you could find. Some of the most common and widespread in the US and Canada are the monarch, tiger swallowtails (actually several species), cabbage white, common sulfur, painted lady, mourning cloak, pearl crescent, field crescent, question mark, and azure (also a complex of a lot of similar species).

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