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Cva:The data rate depends on the bus width. The no. of bytes that can be transferred per bus cycle = buswidth/8;

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A 64-bit data bus can transfer 8 bytes of data at a time.

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What are bites on a computer?

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What are the kinds of computer storage?

Bit (this holds a 1 or 0) Byte (8 bits) kilobyte (1034 bytes) megabyte (1 048 576 bytes) gigabyte (1 073 741 824 bytes) terabyte (1 099 511 627 776 bytes) petabyte (1000000000000000.1258999 bytes) exabyte (1000000000000000000.1529215 bytes) zottabyte (1000000000000000000000.18059162 bytes) yottabyte (1000000000000000000000000.20892582 bytes) a yottabyte is 90000000000000000000000000.67140656 bits

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A megabyte is a unit of information or computer storage equal to either 106 (1,000,000) bytes or 220 (1,048,576) bytes, depending on context.

What is bps meaning?

computer information rate - (bits per seconds)<bps> means bits is" however call it " bytes per seconds" example of bytes 8 bytes any bytes any bytes however call it " it is measurement of speed particularly to data transfer especially within a communications system.

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Through LAN bytes are not only send, they are also received. LAN is the acronym for Local Access Network ... basically a computer network. In a network bytes are sent and received.

The PowerPC 601 processor addresses a maximum of 232 bytes of memory. What is the maximum number of 64-bit words that can be stored in the memory?

29 64bit words.

What is bytes mega bytes and giga bytes?

bytes, megabytes and Gigabytes are the units for measuring the amout of data on a computer. 1024 megabytes are a gigabyte

What do computers use to process information?

This is a tricky question, but computers have to use processed information or they won't work. All of their programs are processed information.

How are pictures stored in a computer?

As bytes.

Computer file sizes in bites?

1 byte 10 bytes 100 bytes 1000 bytes = 1 mb

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