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According to my calculations, about 1155 Calories for 1400 pushups. If you are attempting to go for this I say Good luck and GOOD LUCK!

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Q: How many calories do 1400 pushups burn?
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How many calories does one push-up burn?

Depends on the weight and metabolism of the individual. A 150 lbs man can burn 3-5 calories and a 250 lbs man burns 4-7 calories. As the workout continues the rate of caloric burn goes up in response to tiring muscles and fitness level.

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5 min of pushups makes you lose 10 calories so im guessing you do it like ever 2 secounds so probally .5

How many calories would you burn doing one pushup if you weigh 103lbs?

lol this is like an impossible answer. If your looking to burn calories, you need to do cardio (run, bike, walk ever) something that will build a gradual burn rather than deplete muscles. If your looking to build some muscle, then do some pushups.

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