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Actually, a person is not required to drink any caloires a day. Drinking caloires usually isn't a wise thing to do, either. It is always better to have low- or no-calorie drinks like water, seltzer, flavored waters, diet sodas, fruit waters, and low-fat milks.

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70 ounces of water or more a day.

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Q: How much water should a person who comsumes 2500 calories per day drink?
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What is the benefit of zero calories in a drink?

The benefit of zero calories in a drink is that there are not empty calories consumed throughout the day. The danger is that the lack of calories does not mean the drink in healthy.

What percentage of calories should be consumed in beverages?

0%. As a human, your body is meant to drink water, which has 0 calories. If you're a sodaholic, then I imagine you're consuming many, many more calories than you need to function from the sugared drink alone.

How many calories in a godfather drink?

600 calories

Is it less fat if you put half water in your drink?

Depends on what the drink is. If the drink has alot of calories then putting half water in there would reduce the calories in the drink.

Who many calories in cartnation breakfast drink?

There are 130 calories in a packet of Carnation breakfast drink mix.

How many calories does the average American Drink daily?

An average person should be drinking at least 32oz of WATER a day; although 64 is the ideal amount (pop doesn't count it actually dehydrates you).

how much pop should a person drink a day?

you should not drink more than one can of soda a week.

How many calories does a 30ml drink of whiskey with water has?

65 calories

How do you eat 2500 calories in one day?

drink a carnation breakfast after breakfast, lunch, and dinner

Should we drink when you are driving?

as long as the person driving is sober

Should you allow a shock victim to drink water?

Because the person in shock will choke on the food or drink

What should a person do after a glucose test?

the person should eat and drink as normal, and take any medications that were stopped for the test.