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A climber on Mount Everest can burn anything between 6,000 and 10,000 calories in a single day, on summit day this will increase to around 20,000 calories.

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Q: How many calories does a person need everyday to hike Mount Everest?
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Who was the fourth person to climb Mount Everest?

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When did sir George everstest discover Mount Everest?

Sir George Everest did not discover Mount Everest. Andrew Waugh was the person who discovered Mount Everest. Mount Everest was named after Sir George Everest for all his work he done on mapping India.

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4 Who was the first person to climb Mount Everest what was his nationality and in which year?

Edmund Hillary was the first person to climb and reach the summit of Mount Everest. Edmund was from New Zealand and he climbed Mount Everest in 1953.

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Edmund Hillary was the first person to reach the summit of Mount Everest on the 29th May 1953

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There is no real 'last' person to climb Mount Everest because every year there are more climbers attempting to reach the summit.

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Every year somebody climbs Mount Everest, the last person was the year, 2014.

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Who was the first person t climb Mount Everest?

The first person to reach the summit of Mount Everest was Edmund Hillary of the 29th May 1953.

Who is the fourth person to climb mount Everest?

The fourth person to reach the summit of Mount Everest was Ernst Schmied from Switzerland on the 23rd may 1956

Was it irresitible for sir george Everest to climb the mount Everest?

Sir George Everest did not climb Mount Everest. He was the person who was the Surveyor-General of India who located and recorded Mount Everest while doing the Great Trigonometric Survey of India.