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2341 calories are in 250g of raw cookie dough

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Q: How many calories in raw cookie dough?
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Does raw cookie dough rise in your stomach?

Whats happens if you eat raw cookie dough?

Is cookie dough ice cream safe to eat?

Tollhouse cookie dough is definitely safe to eat after cooking thoroughly into cookies. However, because Tollhouse cookie dough is made with raw eggs in the dough, there is a possibility that the raw cookie dough straight from the package could make you ill. There was an outbreak of Salmonellalinked to eatin raw cookie dough somewhere around 2009 or 2010.

Is it illegal to eat raw cookie dough?

No it is not.

Is cookie dough the same as a cookie?

No. cookie dough contains raw ingredients like eggs and stuff in can give u e coli

Why cant you eat raw cookie dough?

Raw Cookie Dough, contains raw eggs & raw eggs can have salmonilla & that can cause Food Poisoning & YOU DO NOT WANT THAT! it is one of the worst sicks, you can have & for elders & children it can even be fatal.

Is raw cookie dough good for you?

nothing at all. they even sell it in stores as a fun snack for kids. just to be cautious, always remember that cookie dough has raw egg in it and some eggs may carry salmonella. Consider that cookie dough is essentially sugar and butter, sugar which is absorbed into the body rapidly and will add to the butter being absorber with it cookie dough is very unhealthy mind you irresistibly delicious Salmonella is a very bad bacterial infection that comes from eating raw eggs, it can make you deathly sick and you may even die if you dont see a doctor, so i advise anyone to never eat or limit the amount of things you eat that have raw eggs in them.! i dont like cookie dough anyway, i think its squishy and nasty. Just Remember: Too much cookie dough is like to many cookies... Its very unhealthy and can make you fat

Why is cookie dough unhealthy when unbaked?

because its raw eggs

Is there a kind of dough you can eat raw?

yes! if you look it up on wiki how, there are at least 3 was to make raw edible Cookie dough

Is raw cookie dough bad for you?

Yes because it has raw eggs in it so you could get sick.:)

Is it okay to make cookies out of Cookie Dough that hasn't been refrigerated for most likely more than 24hrs?

I wouldn't suggest doing this - the raw cookie dough is made from raw ingredients that may not have been commercially sterile when the cookie dough was made. When the cookie dough was left outside the fridge for over 24 hours, the bacteria in the cookie dough had a lot of time to multiply. Even though cooking the cookie dough should kill the bacteria, you can get food poisoning from the toxins left by the bacteria even after the bacteria are dead.

What tastes good with raw eggs?

cake batter and cookie dough

Does molasses need to be added in raw cookie dough?

i do not believe so no