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If you have gas in your home, it's best to have one carbon monoxide detector on each level of the home. They should be installed outside each sleeping area. You can find them at Home Depot or even at your local Walmart.

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Q: How many carbon monoxide detectors do you need?
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Do you still need a carbon monoxide detector if your home is heated electrical?

Detector is not for carbon monoxide. It is for carbon dioxide.

Do plants need carbon monoxide?

No, plants need carbon dioxide.

If your apartment building doesn't provide carbon monoxide detectors would you be safe if you installed one yourself Or would you still be at risk because other unitsfloors might not have one?

Carbon monoxide is not like a fire, where a fire at the other end of the building could potentially be an out of control blaze by the time it reached your unit and you were aware of it. If there's enough carbon monoxide in your living space to be a danger to you, a carbon monoxide detector IN your own living space will provide all the alert you need.

How do i keep my family safe from carbon monoxide poisoning?

You need a carbon monoxide detector, a good heating system, a good ventilation.

How to Know When You Need Gas Detectors?

If your home uses natural gas appliances or a natural gas heater, there is an inherent danger of leaking gas. Excess natural gas or carbon monoxide can cause everything from a house fire to asphyxiation. Using gas detectors can help protect you and your family from invisible gasses that can cause serious harm. Natural Gas Many ovens, clothes dryers, and furnaces use natural gas as their power source. As the appliances age, the possibility of a gas leak becomes more prevalent. A natural gas detector will sound an alarm if the levels of gas rise to a certain level in the house. You should place a natural gas detector in a central location so that it has the best chance of collecting gas fumes if there should be any. When you shop for a gas detector, look for one that can be mounted on the wall or ceiling. Carbon Monoxide Carbon monoxide detectors are very similar to natural gas detectors. The difference between natural gas and carbon monoxide is that there is usually an odor related to natural gas while carbon monoxide is completely odorless. A good carbon monoxide detector should be mounted near the bedrooms of the house. Keep track of the batteries the same way you keep track of your smoke detector’s batteries. Try to find a carbon monoxide detector that has a different sort of alert than the other gas detectors or smoke detectors in your house so that you can tell from the sound what kind of action should be taken. The Dangers of Undetected Gas Undetected gas can collect in a home for hours or days. When it reaches a certain density it becomes dangerous to the home’s inhabitants. Natural gas is extremely flammable as well as difficult to breathe. Many homes that have slow natural gas leaks discover the problem because of unexpected kitchen explosions. Carbon monoxide is dangerous in a different way. As the gas collects and becomes toxic it simply puts its victims to sleep. When there is too much carbon dioxide present, people and animals will fall asleep and never wake up again. Simple and inexpensive gas detectors can help you avoid potential tragedy.

Do human need carbon monoxide to survive?

The body makes all the carbon monoxide it needs, which isn't much but it's more than none.

What elements does not need to be present for fire to exist oxgen carbon monoxide fuel or combusible material or heat?

Carbon monoxide is NOT required.

Why do you need a carbon monoxide alarm?

Carbon monoxide is colourless and without odour - and a build up in an enclosed or a poorly ventilated area, could cause asphyxiation leading to death.

How do rising levels of carbon monoxide affect your brain?

when carbon monoxide is taken in, it replaces the oxygen in the blood. this deprives cells and tissues of oxygen. It increases risk of high blood pressure and heart disease

Can air conditioning contain carbon monoxide?

Only if the air it is circulating has carbon monoxide. Air conditioners do not produce nor do they contain carbon monoxide. If you suspect carbon monoxide in your air, you need to have an HVAC professional or your local gas company inspect your dwelling because another source is producing this deadly gas. Unmaintenanced heating systems are often the culprit.

What is the differences between a carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide?

Carbon dioxide is made up of 1 carbon atom and 2 oxygen atoms. Carbon monoxide is made up of 1 carbon atom and 1 oxygen atom. Carbon monoxide is flammable whereas carbon dioxide is used to extinguish fires.

What are the chemical compounds of carbon monoxide?

The chemical formula is CO. When we breathe carbon monoxide the oxygen combines with hemoglobin and creates carboxyhemoglobin. When the red blood cells containing this carboxyhemoglobin reach the lungs, they cannot release the carbon (which should be carbon dioxide) and collect fresh oxygen. So if enough red blood cells contain malfunctioning oxygen-carbondioxide exchange mechanisms, it causes asphyxiation (oxygen deprivation) and death. Other terms to further study are : oxidative phosphorylation, cytochrome oxidase, and respiratory control.