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A tear-drop shaped piece of feces which dangles from the rectum while defecating. To knock it off you must rock back and forth and from cheek to cheek to dislodge it from your sphincter.

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Q: How many carbons are there in crude oil?
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Why the chemicals in crude oil separate out in a particular order?

Crude oil is made out of hydro-carbons which causes the oil to separate out in a particular oil. The different fractions of carbons work independently from each other.

What fraction from crude oil has the smaller molecules?

fuel gases, because they have the smallest amount of carbons present...between 1 and 4.

How many gallons of gasoline are there in a barrel of crude oil?

Zero. A barrel or crude oil contains... crude oil.

How many gallons of crude are in 1 barrel of crude?

1 barrel of crude oil equals 42 US gallons of crude oil.

Is crude oil a chemical?

Crude oil is a complex mixture of a great many different chemicals.

20 metric ton of crude oil will come to how many barrels of crude?

Assuming 1 metric ton of crude oil ~ 7.33 barrels them 20 metric tons of crude oil ~ 20 x 7.33 barrels =146.60 barrels of crude oil

How many things make up crude oil?

Crude oil is just plain old oil no not the oil you put in your car that has many more things in it than just oil

How many element in crude oil and what are they how many percentage of each element is contained in crude oil?

crude oil is just that, crude. It is not required to know the exact composition of crude oil. Each manufacturer of crude oil will have a different combination to each other. -Yeah, but each must contain some identical chemicals, otherwise it wouldn't be oil. -Also it wouldn't be considered a mineral if it didn't have some type of combination of elements.

How many liters are in 2million barrel of crude oil?

There are 317,974,590 liters in 2 million barrels of crude oil.

Can crude oil be sustained?

Eventually, crude oil will run out. Other sources will need to be discovered to replace crude oil and the many products produced.

How many barrels of crude oil does the US produce a year?

About 5 million barrels of crude oil daily.

How many gallons of gasoline from a barrel of crude oil?

Each barrel of crude oil produces about 19.6 gallons of gasoline.