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Q: How many carbons does a benzene ring contain?
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How many resonance structure benzene have?

There are 2 resonance structures for benzene.

What is relationship among benzene Toluene and Xylene?

They are all homologues that contain a benzene ring

Aromatic compounds contain what kind of ring?


Does salicylic acid contain a benzene ring?


Are benzene molecules linear or nonlinear?

Benzene molecule is planar in nature. This is because like all carbons, it contains two spxpy hybrid carbon that form a hexagonal ring.

What is the IUPAC name of a benzene ring attched to another benzene ring as a substituent?

Benzene, C6H6, as shown on the left, is an organic aromatic compound with many interesting properties. Unlike aliphatic (straight chain carbons) or other cyclic organic compounds, the structure of benzene (3 conjugated π bonds) allows benzene and its derived products to be useful in fields such as health, laboratorial, and other applications such as rubber synthesis.

What is the general formula of an aromatic?

An aromatic compound contain a benzene ring.

What is a Aromatic Hydrocarbon?

Hydrocarbons which contain a benzene ring (google that yourself)

Benzene is what kind of bond type?

Benzene has covalent bonds. Each of the six carbons in benzene is sp2 hybridized meaning the ring has both sigma bonds and pi bonds. Benzene is aromatic meaning its pi electrons are delocalized and form a pi system.

What is formula benzene?

If Benzol means Phenol then the formula is C6H5OH

What is pyridine?

Pyridine is the name of a chemical similar to benzene. Benzene is a ring of 6 Carbons joined together with alternating double-bonds and single-bonds. Pyridine is the same, but with one of the Carbons replaced with a Nitogren. " It is a colorless liquid with a distinctive, unpleasant fish-like odor." -Wikipedia

Does Ibuprofen contain a phenol group?

No. An OH group is not attached to the benzene ring.