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Q: How many cases does the us hear a day?
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Federal courts hear cases that violate what rights?

They hear cases that violate your US Constitutional rights.

What percentage of federal court cases do the US District Courts hear?

The US District Courts hear approximately 80% of new federal cases; the US Court of International Trade and US Special Courts hear the remainder of the cases under original jurisdiction.

What courts hear most of the cases?

This is admittedly an educated guess and may be applicable only in the US: But I believe the answer would be Municipal Courts or County-level court systems probably hear the most cases due simply to the sheer number of misdemeanor and traffic cases that are heard each day.

When did the supreme court hear a case that could have had ramifications for common every day citizens?

The US Supreme Court hears such cases every year.

Where do the US Supreme Court justices hear cases?

The Supreme Court justices hear cases in the courtroom of the Supreme Court Building in Washington, DC.

Does the US circuit Court of Appeals have discretion about which cases it will hear?

Yes, the Court picks and chooses the cases that it will consider. Refusal to hear a case does not have to be explained to the satisfaction of the participants.

Who has the power to hear legal cases arising under US Constitution and US laws?

Supreme Court

What courts hear cases dealing with US laws?

The US District Court of the jurisdiction in which the offense occurred.

What do US Special Courts hear cases on?

US Special Courts or courts of special jurisdiction hear a variety of cases, each related to a particular subject matter. For example, US Bankruptcy Courts hear bankruptcy cases; US Tax Court hears federal tax cases; the US Court of Federal Claims hears cases involving monetary damages against the US government; the US Court of Appeals for Veteran's Claims hears appeals of decisions made by the Board of Veteran's Appeals, and so on. Military courts are also considered special courts.

How many cases does the court hear in a two-week sitting?

The US Supreme Court typically hears oral arguments on two, sometimes three, cases per day, three days per week (currently Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday). At this rate, the Court hears approximately 12-18 cases in a two-week sitting.

What was it called when US Supreme Court justices traveled from one place to another to hear cases and appeals?

When judges traveled from place to place to hear cases, it was called "circuit riding."

District courts have authority to hear federal cases first?

Yes. US District Courts are the trial courts of general jurisdiction. They hear civil and criminal cases that involve federal and constitutional law and US treaties, provided the case doesn't fall under the jurisdiction of one of the US Special Courts (bankruptcy, tax, etc.).