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well if your 14 it has 2 be 150cc but you can get by with a 250cc

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Q: How many cc's before you have to have a motorcycle license?
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How many CCs can a scooter have before you need a motorcycle license in Michigan?


How many CCs can a scooter have before you need a motorcycle license in Colorado?

50 and below. Anything over 50 you must have the motorcycle endorsement.

What CC engine can you legally drive at 18?

As long as u have the appropriate license (a motorcycle license) you can drive a bike with as many CCs as u want...and anything else that isn't on roads.

How many ccS confirms it to be a motorcycle?

50cc or more, otherwise it is a moped

What does ccs stand for on a motorcycle?

cubic centimeters

Why are mopeds 49cc?

The legal definition of a motorcycle in most jurisdictions is a two-wheeled motorized vehicle with an engine displacement of 50 ccs and over. To get the most powerful two-wheeled vehicle without requiring a motorcycle license, many mopeds are made at the maximum possible displacement.

How many CCs in a 96 cubic inch Harley Davidson Motorcycle?

There are approximately 1582 cubic centimeters.

How many ccs does a bike need to have to get registered?

For a motorcycle to be registered to be driven on the road, it needs to be 125 cc or higher.

How many CCs in a 88 cubic inch Harley Davidson Motorcycle?

1403 is the official spec on the 88" engine.

How do you get a permit for mini motorcycle?

dirt bikes, pocket rockets, mini bikes and all that do not require permits if you are not taking them on the street. just be sure to always ask neighbors and friends before riding on their property. if you do plan to ride on the street though, your motorcycle needs to be so many ccs, have headlights, break lights, and turn signals, and of course license plates and mirrors. after that's all in check, you need to take all the papers you used when you purchased the bike to the county courthouse with you along with the bike's registration. you also need to have a motorcycle license.

I am 16 years old i live in GA and don't have a drivers license and i dropped out so i cant get a drivers license but can i still drive a moped?

In Georgia, you must have a driver's license with a motorcycle endorsement in order to operate a moped or bike with 150 ccs or larger engine. For a device with a smaller engine, you may use it, but not on the road.

How many CCs in a 120 cubic inch harley Davidson motorcycle?

2.54 c/in 2.54*2.54*2.54=16.39cc/cubic in 16.39cc/cubic in * 120cubic in= 1966.8cc