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Q: How many cells in a organisms that cause sore throats?
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How many cells are there in the organism that causes sore throats?


What do we call an organism that consists of many cells?

Organisms composed of many cells are called multicellular organisms.

Why are multicell organisms considered complex?

Multicell organisms are complex, because they consist of many types of cells working together.

What are organisms that are composed of many cell?

Organisms composed of many cells are called multicellular organisms.

What are organisms that are made sup of many cells?

Multicellular organisms.

What are many celled organisms referred to as?

Many celled organisms are referred to as multicellular organisms. In order for single cells to form into multicellualr organisms, they must identify and attach themselves to other cells.

What is an organisms made up of many cells?

An organism that is made of many cells are called a multicellular organism. They have many cells inside that creates a organism. Multicellular organisms are the opposite of unicellular organisms, which are made up of a single cell.

Are all organisms cellular?

most organisms are many-celled organisms..they are not cells by themselves However, there ARE one-celled organisms. It is thought of that organisms ARE MADE UP OF cells. We need cells, if they don't have cells to fix the "wounds" or help with the repairs that plants or animals need.

How many chromosomes do body cells of organisms have in relationship to the sex cells of the same organism?

There are 46 chromosomes in the body cells of organisms which have a relationship with the sex cells.

What organisms are made from many cells?


Are organisms composed of many cells?


What does it mean when cells are specialized in multicellular organisms?

Cells that are specialized in multicellular organisms means they do many things. This is what helps the body function.