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From sea level it's about 480 KM up until outer space. That's 48,000,000 cm.

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Why do you have outer space?

we have outer space because what else is going to hold the planets up and not let them fall forever, that's what our sun does, and outer space holds the sun up

How do you get a space station up into outer space?

peice by peice

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Most of outer space is taken up by?

most of space is a vacuum

Where would a Astronomy be found'?

Astronomy is the study of the outer space. If you look up at the sky at night you are looking at outer space which is astronomy.

What defines outer space?

The Earth's atmosphere gets progressively thinner at higher altitudes, and runs out completely at about 200 miles up, which is where outer space begins. Outer space is surprisingly close; only 200 miles away.

What is most of outer space taken up by?

Most of space is taken up by the rarest, least dense nothingness imaginable.

Who came up with the idea of going into outer space?

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How do you spell stuff up in space?

In (outer) space, you might find:the sunplanetssatellitesman-made satellitesBlack HolesasteroidsmeteorsNebulae (plural)

How do you send cristmas cards into outer space?

you send them up in a satter light

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she JUST can she not an alien from a planet from outer space

Where did the materials that make up earth originally come from?

from particles from outer space