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there are six character

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Q: How many characters in harischandra story and few lines about them?
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How many characters are there in a fishy story?

there are 4 characters

What of characters are important in the story?

The question is unclear. Many things about characters are important in a story. If the characters are not believable, the reader won't care about them, and won't read the story.

What character has no lines in Shrek?

Dragon has no lines, but there are many other background characters that have no lines too!

How many characters do operas normally have in them?

There are as many characters in an opera as necessary to tell the story. There is no fixed number.

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When you are writing a book what are some other characters besides protagonist and antagonist?

There are many other characters besides just the main two. You can have sidekicks, helpers, minions, background characters (the people you meet but don't have much of a role in the actual story) -- you can have as many characters as you need for your story.

How many characters in the story?

I'm not sure which story you are referring to. Could you please provide more context or specify the story you are asking about?

How many characters are there in Cinderella story?

there are tweleve characters in the story cinderella

How many inscriptions are you allowed on the back of your iPod?

Up to two lines, and their is a limit to the number of characters

Who ate the characters In many voices?

Slected story by jose garcia villa

How many people can play Toy Story 3?

you just pretend that you are one of the characters

Which type of narrator is a story that shares the perspectives of many characters?

That is omniscient point of view.