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its 2400/8=300 if it is synchrouous

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Q: How many characters per second can be transmitted over a 2400 bps line if the transfer is synchronous in computer scinence?
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From memory I would say cosmology (aka space physics)

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I am a cheerleader and i would say that there is power and timing behind the whole preformace.. Cheer is a mix; Science is in cheer for each move corrosponds with another. If it was off, the routine would mess up and be ruined, or people could get hurt.

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yes, very often its one of the best things to messure things with. Didn't you pay attention in 6th grade scinence?

What is the symbol Pi stand for IN SCINENCE?

Pi is an extremely interesting number because it can never be written down exactly, although it can be written to any number of decimal places. In elementary mathematics we often take three and one seventh (or 22/7) to be a reasonable value to work with, or we can use the decimal number 3.142, but neither is the correct value of Pi. Yet it is need in calculations in so very many aspects of science and maths. Without a knowledge of Pi the astronauts would not succeed, neither would engineers, whether for aircraft, engines, or dynamos and electrically driven cars. And yet it is simply the number of times that the diameter of any circle would wrap exactly around its circumference.

What do you think the word scinence means?

I believe the word "science" means the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment. Science is a broad term that is used to describe the knowledge that is gained by studying the physical and natural world around us. Science is a process of inquiry exploration and discovery that helps us to better understand our world and how it works. Science can help us to solve problems answer questions and make predictions about the future. Science can be divided into different disciplines such as physics chemistry biology geology and astronomy. Each of these disciplines has its own set of theories and methods that can be used to explain and predict the behavior of the physical and natural world.

How do get pregnant with a ghost baby on sims2?

Visit the graveyard around 4:00am every night for a few nights and talk to one of the GHOSTS. Build up a strong relationship with the ghost and invite them over. Once they are over at your house, continue doing romantic actions until you are able to select the try for baby option. If the Sim does not get pregnant the first time you can try again, no problem. Having the Fertility Treatment reward from lifetime rewards helps. If the Sim gets pregnant from the ghost, you will have a ghost baby. Be sure to note the BTW: you can only have "try for a baby" with a purple ghost.If you want a ghost baby without having to do all of that up there: then all you have to do is make your young adult or adult Sim marry another Sim...1st -- Meet someone who is taken.2nd -- ctrl+shirt+c and type: " testingcheatsenabled true" (without quotes), then shift and click on the Sim you want to marry.3rd -- Click: add to unactive family.4th -- (Steps 1 - 3 are if you did make a family. You can make the family like they are housemates.) crtl+shift+c and type: " testingcheatsenabled true" (without quotes)5th -- "c" and click on mailbox and click "make needs static" this will make your needs maxed until you click "make needs dynamic." That will allow more time to chat with the one you want to marry.6th -- When you know everything about them, all you have to do is marry them.7th -- When your married, make the male Sim age by holding C and clicking on him, then selecting "trigger age transition."8th -- Keep aging until he turns into a Ghost.9th -- If you are lucky, the Science Center will want to have you bring in the remains of a Hated one. Put the Sandwhiches that you get from making them with Ghost in your inventory and take them to the science center So all those sweaty hungry tough men can stuff in there face along with ghost. This will make him a controllable Ghost.10th -- Then when they get home make your Ghsot try for Baby, and they will kiss and head to a planet Called :Mude Ville "My little pony pet shop"but!! be careful! you might not always get a ghost baby! sometimes it might be a human baby! and! even ghost babies need food, love, hygen, potty, fun, and attention :) ~thesimsexpert101 ( Do this to get a BARNEY BABy