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Q: How many chickens can roasters service a day?
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How many chicken poo does chickens do in a day?

it depends on what they eat

How many eggs do female chickens lay each day?

At least 2 a day

How many rotisserie chickens does Costco sell a day?

It is estimated that Costco sells 103,000 rotisserie chickens a day, more than 37 million a year.

How many chicken eggs are produced daily?

That greatly depends on how many chickens you have. One chicken will lay one egg a day. so, if you have 10 chickens you will get 10 eggs daily.

How many chickens can you stuff in a pig?

A pig can and will eat chickens if given the opportunity. Depending on the size of the chickens, two or three per day (or more for larger pigs) could be eaten by a size-able hog.

Will the purple chickens save the day?

Of course, purple chickens have special powers.

How many chickens are eaten in the world per day?

23.383 million chickens are killed each day in the U.S. for consumption

If 2 chickens can lay a total of 2 eggs in 2 many eggs can 4 chickens lay in 4 days?

2 chickens laying 2 eggs in 2 days means that each chicken lays an egg every other day. 4 chickens laying an egg every other day would lay 8 eggs in 4 days.

How many times each day are battery chickens fed?

In most of them, they keep food going on a conveyor belt type thing all day.

If it takes a chicken a day and a half to lay an egg and a half how many days does it take for two chickens to lay two eggs?

1 day

How many eggs do chickens lay in an hour at average?

When they're at their most productive they might lay one/day.

How many legs does a chicken have on Tuesday?

Chickens have always two legs, on any day of the week. Some chickens are disabled (having a injured leg or tendon) and kept by their owners, these are rare instances.