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In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that children receive multiple doses of the whooping cough (pertussis) vaccine as part of the routine childhood vaccination schedule. This includes the DTaP vaccine for infants and young children, and the Tdap vaccine for older children and adolescents. Vaccination coverage rates may vary by region and population.

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Q: How many children are vaccinated for whooping cough?
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Why do people not get vaccinated against whooping cough?

First of all, there are no great epidemics of whooping cough at present, so people do not worry about it very much, although the disease does still exist. And secondly, many people believe that vaccines are dangerous, and they would rather take their chances with whooping cough.

What is the origin of the whooping cough?

The whooping cough is a bacterial infection that can be prevented or minimized with a vaccine. There is no information on its origins and it has long been something humans have had to deal with. It has been in the media more because many people have decided not to immunize their children; the incidence of whooping cough has increased tremendously in the last decade.

What is the prognosis for whooping cough?

It really depends on how long the whooping cough goes untreated as to how much damage it does. With modern medicine, it is usually caught quickly, but sometimes it is misdiagnosed and slips by.When left untreated it can cause a variety of problems, the main being a deep gasping cough.Also:pneumoniaear infectionsloss of appetiteseizuresdifficulty breathingdeathAfter whooping cough has been treated and the patient is no longer infected, the cough can remain for many weeks after.

How many die from whooping cough?

300,000 a year is what one website said.

Whooping Cough: The Causes?

Whopping cough occurs when a person inhales the airborne droplets of an individual who has been infected with pertussis. Such an infected individual can easily spread their disease by sneezing or coughing around someone who has not been vaccinated by the virus. The illness was nearly eradicated once vaccinations became standard issue, but it has made a bit of a comeback with the recent refusals of vaccinations from parents. Illegal aliens may also not have vaccinations or carry the disease back into the country themselves.Infants who have not finished receiving their vaccinations are at the greatest at risk for developing whooping cough. Whooping cough is extremely contagious -- unvaccinated children and infants in contact with infected children or living with an infected individual have a 90 percent chance of contracting the disease themselves. On top of that, the complications can be severe, including seizures, pneumonia, bleeding in the eyes, encephalitis and possibly death. With these risk, many wonder why parents would ever choose to not vaccinate their children.Of course, some children are unable to be vaccinated due to life-threatening reactions to vaccines in the past. In other cases, some parents feel that vaccinations will lead to the development of autism. However, the medical community in both Europe and the United States have both proven no sort of medical evidence that supports this claim. The fear seems to stem from the fact that autism occurs usually at about two years old, which is when children often receive their final booster shot.Parents who elect not to vaccinate their children often are the subject of criticism by physicians and other parents as children who contract illnesses like whooping cough at very likely to pass them to individuals who have poor immune systems or to infants. Vaccinations supporters feel those parents put their children at risk unnecessarily, including the children who are medically unable to be vaccinated.Parents who suspect their children has whooping cough must immediately seek a doctor, especially with newborns as they can develop periods of apnea. It is also best to tell the pediatrician if whooping cough is suspected as they might have protocols to help prevent further contamination.

What are some whooping cough symptoms?

Whooping cough symptoms are very similar to those of the common cold! Examples of the symptoms could be, headaches, runny nose, sore throat, coughing, fever, and many more.

what disease has the symptoms long period of short, fast coughs ending with a "woop" sound?

Whooping cough (pertussis) is a highly contagious respiratory tract infection. In many people, it's marked by a severe hacking cough followed by a high-pitched intake of breath that sounds like "whoop." Before the vaccine was developed, whooping cough was considered a childhood disease.

The impacts of the spanish in America -plains Indians?

Many plains Indians died of whooping cough, measles and other diseases

What is the recommended diet for Whooping Cough?

The misery of the unknown reason for causing pertussis (whooping cough) that has become an epidemic in California may last for a long time. Since so many people have suffered, and families have been affected by this sickness, I believe that the most important thing right now is to help the pertussis patients to get well fast, and inform others to know how to protect themselves from this highly contagious bacterial illness. Here I am sharing my experience of using natural food to help my friends to get well fast from whooping cough, and use simple strategies as prevention methods.

How many kids die a year from hooping cough?

On average, worldwide around 195,000 children die annually from complications of whooping cough (pertussis). The majority of these deaths occur in developing countries where access to healthcare and vaccination coverage may be limited. Vaccination is a key strategy in preventing the spread of this disease and reducing associated mortality.

What is the cause of Whooping Cough?

Pertussis, also known as whooping cough, is a highly contagious disease caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis; it derived its name from the characteristic severe hacking cough followed by intake of breath that sounds like "whoop"; a similar, milder disease is caused by B. parapertussis. Although many medical sources describe the whoop as "high-pitched", this is generally the case with infected babies and children only, not adults. Worldwide, there are 30-50 million pertussis cases and about 300,000 deaths per year.Characterization · Transmission and ... · Treatment · Isolation and ... *

How many siblings did Lou Gehrig have?

Lou Gehrig had two sisters, Sophie and Anna. They both died young from whooping cough and measles. He also had a brother die in infancy.