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Q: How many chromosomes do Eurasian wolves have?
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Wolves have 78 Chromosomes.

How many chromosomes do gray wolves have?

Grey wolves have 78 chromosomes put into 39 pairs.

What Eats Eurasian Eagle Owls?

Very Few Predators Eat This Predator But A Common Heron Might Gobble A Eurasian Eagle Owl. Other Likely Predators Include Lynxes, Wolverines, Wolves And Other Eurasian Eagle Owls.

Where do steppes wolves live?

Steppe wolves live on the Eurasian and Caucasian plains as well as around the Ural Mountains. Steppe wolves have been known to go east into Europe and south into Afghanistan and Iran.

How are African Shrews different from Eurasian Shrews?

African shrews south of the Sahara have 50 chromosomes. Shrews living primarily in Ethiopia have 36 chromosomes. Shrews living in Eurasia and northern Africa have 40 chromosomes. There are several exceptions to this.

What are some animals in Europe?

Wolves, Brown bears, foxes, weasels, Polar bears, Moose, deer, ibex, chamois, and Eurasian Mouflon.

What are badgers predators?

You mean Eurasian Badgers? Eurasian Badgers have few predators and competitors. They are known for being as tenacious as hell and they are very durable. Eurasian Badgers compete with Raccoon Dogs, Red Foxes, Eurasian Lynx and the Wolverine. Brown Bears, Siberian Tigers, Wolves, and Eurasian Lynx are the only carnivores that are brave enough to prey on badgers. Red Foxes may prey on young badgers, but adult badgers mostly dominate foxes. Eurasian Lynx may pose a threat to badgers, but killing one might be hard. Raccoon Dogs may extensively use badger setts for shelter, but badgers will kill or drive out Raccoon Dogs if they overstay their welcome. As for American Badgers, they also have few predators. But because they are smaller and weaker than Eurasian Badgers, they might have slightly more predators. Predators of the Eurasian Badger are Cougars, wolves, coyotes, bobcats, bears and Canadian lynx.

How many black wolves exist?

not as many as other wolves?

What is the name of the plate which Britain located on?

the UK is on the Eurasian plate, this answer comes form a 13 year old English schoolgirl :)

How many chromosomes do walrus have?

32 chromosomes

How many chromosomes does peacock have?

This have 44 chromosomes

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46 chromosomes