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Q: How many chromosomes would be in a fertilised egg if there were 194 from each body cell and 100 in each egg cell?
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How many chromosomes does a fertilised egg have?

A fertilized egg has double the number of its egg cell. In case of human there are 46 chromosomes in a fertilised egg.

Why do gametes need 12 the number of chromosomes of a regular body cell?

Gametes require half the number of chromosomes of a somatic (regular) cell as gametes are the sex cells. When gametes combine to make a zygote (a fertilised cell), the complete number of chromosomes will be present.

If a body cell has 22 chromosomes what would be the chromosomes what would be the chromosomes count for the reproductive cells?


What cell has homologous chromosomes?

A somatic cell (body cell) is a cell that would have homologous chromosomes.

When a body cell has 46 chromosomes and is 2n it is called?

A body cell that has 46 chromosomes and is said to be 2n, it is a diploid cell.

How many chromosomes are there in each human body cell?

There are 46 chromosomes in each human body cell, with 23 chromosomes inherited from each parent. This includes 22 pairs of autosomes and 1 pair of sex chromosomes (XX for females, XY for males).

How many chromosomes do each human egg cell have?

A human egg/sperm cell has 23 chromosomes. When the sperm and egg fuse together,, the zygote (fertilised egg) contains 46 chromosomes. Scientists call this the diploid number, with the sperm/egg having a haploid number of chromosomes. This number varies between species.

How many chromosomes are your body chromosomes?

We have 46 chromosomes in our body. In each cell, there's 23 pairs of chromosomes.

How many chromosomes would be found in a male fruit fly regular body cell?

there is 4 pairs of chromosomes in each cell for a fly!

How many chromosomes exist in your body?

A normal human cell contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, for a total of 46. If you had an average of 40 trillion cells in your body that had 412 chromosomes you would have 4456 trillion chromosomes in your body. Note that some mature cells in your body do not have any chromosomes, some have 26 chromosomes and some cells have 99 chromosomes.

How many chromosomes does a body cell have?

Human body cells have 46 chromosomes.

How does a fertilized egg inherit information?

Fertilized eggs inherit information through their chromosomes. They receive their chromosomes from their mother and their father. The information is encoded on their DNA.Sperm cell- Contains the genetic information from the male parent (23 chromosomes)Egg cell- Contains genetic information from the female parent (23 chromosomes)The sperm enters the egg and the egg becomes fertilised. The fertilised egg is called a zygote. The zygote has 46 chromosomes, information from both parents.