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Q: How many cities in the US are called Stockton?
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Minnesota, Mississippi and Texas.

What was one result of the rapid growth of us cities in early 20th century?

Many cities saw what is called urban blight.

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No, it would be impossible to name all the cities in the US.

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What is the largest US city to declare bankruptcy?

As of June 29, 2012, it is Stockton, California. Stockton is the 65th largest city in the US with a population of 291,707.

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There is only one city in the US called Newport News and that is Newport News, Virginia.

What are some US cities that begin with the letter pock?

No US city begins with the letters Pock. However there are streets in the US that begin with Pock including Pocket Road in Sacramento CA and Darlington SC. Pock Lane is a street in Stockton CA.

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Some of the cities in the US with the highest murder rates include St. Louis, Detroit, Baltimore, New Orleans, and Memphis. These cities often face challenges related to poverty, gang violence, and limited access to resources which contribute to higher crime rates.

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There are too much dogs in us key cities.

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There are eighteen different cities named Columbus in the US.