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100 coins

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Q: How many coins do you get if you catch a mullet fish in ice fishing on club penguin?
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What is the fastest way to get club penguin coins without penguin storm?

if you are trying to get LOTS of coins i reccomend (i mean in!)play ice fishing and catch the big mullet

How many coins do you get if you catch mullet on club penguin?

100 coins

How do you get the fish on club penguin?

To get the mullet on ice fishing, at the end of the game when you see the mullet near the back, catch a yellow fish and leave it on the hook. Then wait for mullet to come. You will earn 1000 coins!

How do you get past the mullet in aqua grabber soda seas in club penguin?

To get past the mullet in soda seas on Club Penguin, you have to get a worm. Then catch a yellow fish with the worm. Then feed the yellow fish to the mullet. You can choose to keep the mullet and put it into the net or you can set it free. If you choose to catch it you will get 1000 coins. Good Luck!

When is the end of the game on ice fishing on club penguin?

The end of ice fishing is when you start to see a red fish swimming in the background. That fish is the mullet. When there are only golden fish left catch it and hold it until the full mullet is inching toward the right. Than put the golden fish in front of the mullets mouth so it eats it. Then the game is over and you have 100+ coins!

Where do you put the bait in Club Penguin?

1.It depends which mission you mean. The best way to find out is to search on Google for '(the name of the mission) Walkthrough.' The best results are Youtube videos. 2.if it's the one where you catch the monster then it's a candle from the pizza parla

Can you sell the fish you catch?

Nope, you can't do that. After a fishing game, the fishes give you coins. Yellow fish give you a coin each, grey fish give you 8 coins each, and The Mullet gives you 100 coins.

What games are good for getting coins in club penguin?

Aqua grabber and fishing are good for getting coins in club penguin.

In soda seas in Club Penguin where is the other rare treasure?

If you catch the fluffy fish and then feed it to the mullet you will be able to catch the mullet and then release it somewhere else then you will be able to enter the place where the mullet was. This way you will be able to find the rare treasure. But first you will have to get the worm bait. You can get that by knocking on the undersea air place a bait will fall out then you can catch the fluffy fish. it is not true. All there is down there is a big big stack of coins that you can pick up and a crab. Thats all the was.

Club Penguin which game has a shark in it?

this question can be carried out in different way's but the game is ice fishing ice fishing is on the map go to the ski village, then to the ski lodge right at the rear there shall be a door you go through and play! you wait and wait and catch fish as many as you can when you do catch yellow ones if you have bought a rod there is fast silver ones all you do is wait til the end and when mullet comes (big red fish) at the end comes you make sure that you have saved a fluffy fish the yellow fish and you wait until it eats the yellow fish and it will catch the mullet the sharks are in the game sometimes but you will have to watch out for them! because they eat your bait at the ends when you have caught the fish then you look at your coins take a look at your coins to see how much you got the mullet will have added 100 coins and watching out for sharks will have made it go down and if you caught one then your coins.. well they would go down but that's the concern the sharks have big teeth and they swim passed sometimes to eat bait hope you get the extra 100 and hope that answer's your question'. here is the easy steps 1. go to the ski lodge at the rear and go through the door to play 2. keep catching the fluffy fish and silver fish if they are there if you got the rod 3. when sharks come mind them they eat your bait. 4. at the end there will be mullet keep a fish for then it will eat it and that will catch it 5. in the end you will have 100 coins extra! that's the steps and the answer to your little question it's easy and you could tell your friends too to boost there coins! hope it did then I meen answers your question thanks!

How do you get 1000 coins on cp?

you play games on the website.But if you wanna get coins for free you have to either buy the,"The ultimate Official guid to cp" or "Clupenguin Storaway adventures at sea" books to unlock codes or answer questions.After you answer the question you earn $1000 dollars on clubpenguin.Hope this helps.

Where is the rare gem in aqua grabber in club penguin?

Go into the cave where the bait is, get the bait and then go and catch the small yellow fish, Fluffy. Once you have the Fluffy on your claw, go into the cave with the big red fish, Mullet, and catch him, using Fluffy as bait. You can then go into a secret cave with a crab and a pile of coins. Don't take any coins, let the crab take them. Once he has all the coins, he will hand to you the rare gem.