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Ten commandments

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Q: How many commandments where given to Moses?
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What are moral laws given to Moses by god?

Moses was given the laws called the ten commandments.

Where was the ten commandments born at?

the ten commandments were given to moses at mount sinai

Did Moses die before the commandments were finished?

The commandments were all given in Moses' life, but their application stretches all the way to the present.

Who did god give the commandments to?

God gave the ten commandments to Moses to be given to the Hebrew people.

What was the name of the mount where the 10 commandments were given to Moses?


What is ditloids for t10c?

10 Commandments (given to Moses in the Bible)

Who received the Ten Commandments from God?

The first time it was recorded was with Moses, but there is evidence that the ten commandments were given before that. For instance, the bible tells us that the people kept the sabbath before the ten commandments were given.

Who received the ten commandments from god on mount sinai?

Moses was given the 10 commandments there.

10 c g to m?

10 Commandments Given to Moses

How many commandments does the greek orthodox have?

Eastern Orthodoxy is a Christian denomination (the second largest in fact). Therefore, they have the same commandments as any other Christian denomination- the 10 Commandments given to Moses.

Who was the ten commandments sent from?

According to the Old Testament the ten commandments were given to Moses by God on Mount Sinai.

What are all ten commandments?

The ten commandments were given to Moses, sothat the Hebrew would follow gods laws.