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It's impossible to say at the moment. Warming ocean waters are expanding, and the ice caps and glaciers are melting and running into the sea. If global warming is not stopped there will be many coastal lands under salt water. Some Pacific Islands countries like Kiribati will definitely be under water and many others will be threatened.

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Q: How many countries will be under water by 2050 because of global warming?
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we would die or have to adapt fast

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i know Manhattan Will be under water because on there will be a lot of global warming

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What landmasses will be under water if global warming continues?

Coastal Areas and Islands, atolls.

Bangladesh and the Netherlands are two countries that both face ongoing threats due to rising sea levels triggered by global warming How do their situations differ?

Both these countries are under threat from global warming and rising seas. The difference between them is that the Netherlands is a developed country. It has an infrastructure of dikes to keep out the sea and they may be able to make these stronger, because the country has financial resources. Bangladesh has neither sea wall or money, so the threat there is much more severe.

What does global warming have to do with tsumanis?

Nothing much. Tsunamis are caused by earthquakes, or plate movements, usually under the sea. Global warming is caused by deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas).

What are the causes of global warming and what harm have they done?

The causes of global warming are deforestation, and theBurning of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas.)The harm is that global warming is causing climate change, which can mean:faminerising sea levelsmore dangerous stormsdisappearing glaciers drying up the great rivers of Asia, that millions of people rely oncoastal cities temporarily, and then permanently flooded.arable croplands near the coast flooded with salt water, making them useless for cropsPacific Island countries disappearing under waterpoor developing countries unable to feed their peopleclimate refugees seeking refuge all over the world.

Why are the Netherlands and Venice concerned about global warming?

Much of the Netherlands is below sea level and the sea is kept out with a great system of dikes. If the sea level rises, then there will be massive flooding. Venice is concerned about the effects of global warming because of the risk of the rise in sea level, it could put the city under 20cm of water.

Does global warming affect you?

It gets a lot of people hot under the collar. At some point the warming of the planet may become warmer then during the medieval warming period. This would cause sea levels to rise and weather patterns changes around the world. If this ever happens, yes global warming could someday affect you.

Why should human be worried about the effect of global warming?

Global warming affects the animals and the food chain and the ocean. Ocean levels are rising, food chains are getting messed up and Arctic animals like polar bears are being put in danger. The polar bears are having less and less ice to walk on and can become stranded in miles of water. We should be worried about global warming because as the earth cotinues to heat up the glaciers melt and the water levels rise. If the water levels keep rising then much of the coasts will be under water.

How can geothermal power help global warming?

Geothermal energy (heat from under the earth) is largely pollution-free. If geothermal electricity is used instead of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) electricity, then this helps to slow global warming.

If a mountain melts does it cause global warming?

no and mountain does not melt unless under very very hot tempertaures and pressure.