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Q: How many covalent bonds does a carbon atom need to complete its valence shell?
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How many covalent bonds does a carbon need to complete its covalent shell?

A carbon atom needs 4 covalent bonds to complete its valence shell.

What is unique about carbon how many bonds can it form?

Carbon can form 4 covalent bonds as it has 4 valence electrons.

Why do carbon atoms have a high number of covalent bonds?

Carbon has 4 valence electrons.

Can carbon form 5 covalent bonds?

No: A carbon atom has only four valence electrons and therefore can form no more than four covalent bonds.

Where do valence electrons occur?

Valence electrons occur in the outermost shells of an atom. Valence electrons can be shared in covalent bonds. Covalent bonds occur between non-metals, like Carbon and Nitrogen.

How many bonds can C make?

Carbon is in Group V. Thus, it needs 4 more electrons so as to achieve the octet structure in its valence shell. As such, carbon has make at most 4 single covalent bonds. The least number of covalent bonds carbon can make is 2 double bonds. We do not see an example of carbon forming 1 covalent bond involving the sharing of all 4 of its valence electrons.

Why do carbon and nitrogen form covalent bonds?

carbon and nitrogen atoms form covalent bonds with one another in order to achieve an octet (8) of valence electrons between them.

Carbon has four valence shell electrons which means it can form what?

Carbon can form four covalent bonds.

Why most compound of carbon are covalent?

Carbon has four valence electrons in its outermost orbit which indicate it need four further electrons to complete its valence according to octect rule. It is also not possible for Carbon to remove all of its four valence electrons for the same cause of obeying octect rule. Hence the only option left for carbon is make covalent bonds with another carbon or any other element whose electrons are available for making a covalent bond. That's why most of the compounds of carbon are covalent.

How many electrons would carbon have to gain to form a covalent bond?

Carbon atoms do not gain electrons to form a covalent bond. Carbon atoms form four covalent bonds by sharing its four valence electrons with the valence electrons of other atoms. These can be single bonds, in which one pair of electrons is shared; double bonds, in which two pairs of electrons are shared; or triple bonds, in which three electrons are shared; or a combination of these.

How many covalent bonds are formed by silicon?

The element silicon would be expected to form 4 covalent bond(s) in order to obey the octet rule. Si is a nonmetal in group 4A, and therefore has 4 valence electrons. In order to obey the octet rule, it needs to gain 4 electrons. It can do this by forming 4 single covalent bonds.

Why a single carbon atom can form 4 single covalent bonds?

because carbon has only four electrons in the valence shell