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It is difficult to estimate the exact number of creationists in the world as beliefs vary across different religions and individuals. Creationism is predominantly found among religious groups that adhere to literal interpretations of their religious texts, such as The Bible or Quran, and reject the theory of evolution. Studies suggest that a significant portion of the global population holds creationist beliefs to varying degrees.

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Q: How many creationists are there in the world?
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What do creationists believe about the origin of species and the earth?

Creationists believe that all species on Earth were created by a divine creator, typically in their present form. They also believe that the Earth has a relatively young age, typically a few thousand years old, as opposed to the scientifically supported age of billions of years. Additionally, creationists may reject the theory of evolution and instead support the idea of special creation.

What is Young Earth creationism?

Young Earth creationism is a belief that the Earth is approximately 6,000-10,000 years old, based on a literal interpretation of the Bible. Advocates reject the scientific consensus of an ancient Earth and universe, instead attributing the origins of life and the Earth to a divine creation event.

How old do creationists think the earth is?

Creationists often believe that the earth is around 6,000 to 10,000 years old, based on a literal interpretation of the Bible. This belief is in contrast to the scientific consensus, which holds that the earth is approximately 4.5 billion years old.

How do most creationists believe that coal formed?

Most creationists believe that coal formed rapidly during the Biblical flood around 4,500 years ago. They argue that the layers of dead vegetation were quickly buried and compressed, leading to the rapid formation of coal seams.

How do Creationists explain Ice Caps?

Creationists may perceive the presence of ice caps as a result of post-Flood conditions or natural cycles within a young Earth framework. They may attribute ice cap formation to a combination of localized climate factors or natural processes, rather than the long timescales proposed by mainstream science.

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Why does the issue of evolution continue to resurface?

In science and the real world evolution is fact and the theory that explains much about this fact is well supported by the evidence. In some peoples lives evidence and even the modern world mean nothing next to their ideological position. This includes religious creationists and secular creationists.

What percentage of NRA members are creationists?

Since the NRA does not solicit or collect that information on its members, there is no way to know.

Do jews believe the world was created in six days?

Yes, that is the traditional understanding of Genesis ch.1. The narrative of Divine Creation states that God created the universe. This teaches us that God exists, that our lives and the world are not random, and that the created things may be assumed to contain vast wisdom in their beautiful and purposeful design. (In recent decades, this wisdom has indeed been partially revealed, through increasingly powerful microscopes.)There are Creationists and religious people, including some Jews, who espouse a belief in God-guided Evolution. Other Creationists, including many Orthodox Jews, given the difficulties in Evolutionary theory, hold that this is unnecessary and that a recent and more direct Creation is the truth.Evolution through random mutations, on the other hand, may be understood as implying that life is an accident, that perceived beauty and wisdom are ultimately purposeless, and that our instinctive yearning for the Eternal is just an electrical impulse in our brain.See also:Is there evidence against Evolution

How long do christian scientists believe it takes to make coal?

Not all Christians are creationists. "Young Earth creationists" believe the Earth is between 5,700 to 10,000 years old. As far as coal formation goes, I assume they think it was created with the rest of the world. Those who hold this belief don't seem like the types to become scientists. It just goes against much of what they consider to be true. Non-creationist Christians who become scientists will most likely believe what the rest of the scientific community believes when it comes to this. They recognize evolution, plate tectonics, and the general timescale of things on Earth. They're scientists like any other.

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