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Our Dragon is 6 years old and only occasionally eats crickets and/or mealworms. She'll eat about 18-24 crickets in a serving once a week. However, she enjoys stringbeans, mixed green salad (not iceberg lettuce or spinach since both are not good for a dragon), grapes, and strawberry (cut up). If you're giving your Dragon these foods, you don't really need the live food all that often when they're mature.

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Q: How many crickets a week do bearded dragons eat?
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Should you crush up crickets to feed to week old bearded dragons?

You shouldn't need to. Any reptile shop will either sell, or be able to order in 'micro crickets' - These are simply newly-hatched crickets about 10 mm in size. The only drawback will be finding something secure to house them in once you get them.

I am getting 2 or 3 bearded dragons in about a week and I read that you should leave them for about a week after you get them before you handle them is this really nesasary?

I have never heard that before. Click on "Handling bearded dragons" under related links below.

What age do you stop feeding crickets to bearded dragons?

Ok don't listen to that person they don't know much about bearded dragons. I Feed them 3 crickets a day each, sometimes more, sometimes less. As adults they should eat 3 the same except way bigger. As babies, your bearded dragons should be fed a good amount of crickets, but you should try to feed them more vegetables. It is true that the younger your baby bearded dragons are, the more protein from insects they need; but if you do not get them started on greens, they will not want to eat them as much when they get older. You should probably feed them crickets twice or three times a week, and try to feed them vegetables every other day in order to provide them with the right nutrients

What are bearded dragons allowed to eat?

celery leaves and the stalk blueberries cilantro kale bok choy crickets super worms(never meal worms) romaine lettuce carrots rasberries blackberries calcium powder(dust it on the salad or crickets 3 times a week) mice(i wouldnt, but they can eat pinkie mice) grapes and apples

What is the diet plan of a bearded dragon?

The diet plan of a bearded dragon consists of between 25 and 50 insects per week such as crickets and worms and salad using a variety of greens, vegetables and fruits.

Can bearded dragons eat bananas?

Yes you can, but only occasionally you don't want to feed it watermelon everyday it could be as a treat. Watermelon can be fed to bearded dragons but is not of much use to them because it is mostly water. It will give them the runs and cause them to be dehydrated. This is similar to lettuce as it is often fed to beadies by owners that are not aware there is no nutritional value in lettuce and it will also give them the runs.

How many mices can you feed a bearded dragon every week?

Mice are NOT part of their natural diet ! They feed on small insects (crickets, small locusts, wax worms etc) and green, leafy vegetables !

How often should you bath a bearded dragon?

Bearded Dragons don't NEED a bath ! They are a desertspecies, who's natural home is the dry central area of Australia ! They would never seek out water to 'bathe' in, in their natural habitat - unless they wanted to drink it !

How often does bearded dragons eat?

I have a lovely healthy Beardie of my own so my advice is for an adult bearded dragon.... EVERY OTHER morning give him/her 4-5 locusts or crickets. On the mornings you aren't giving it live food, give it either vegetables dusted with a calcium supplement or special formulated Bearded Dragon pellets that provide a nutritional diet. Any other Inquiries? Contact me :D

How many crickets should a 2 year old bearded dragon eat a day?

about 32 two or three times a week. with a daily salad of dark greens veggies and fruit. no iceburg though. gives the beardie the runs and dehydrates them.

What kind of what should you give a bearded dragon?

12 lg crickets a day every other day should be a little bit of veggies (mine prefers salontro) occasionly mealworms and if your not to sqemish a hairless mouse once every week to replace the crickets/mealworms.

What do you feed bearded dragons?

When they are babies they need a diet of mainly crickets about 75% and greens such as turnip greens, collard greens,bok choy,etc 25%, But absolutely no lettuce it has no nutrition dust babies food with calcium dust five times a week and dust with vitamin powder two times a week. Adults need a diet of more greens than insects. Insects make up 40% of an adults diet and greens make up 60%.Dust an adults food with calcium powder 3 times a week and vitamin powder 1 time a week. Also foods you can feed your beardie include crickets, superworms, several types of roaches, locusts, pheonixworms,and you can find more options at that's a really helpful site.