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8 cromosomes

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Q: How many cromosomes are in a tigers sex cell?
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Related questions

How many chromosomes are in one sex cell?

It depends on the parent cell. If the parent cell has 24 then the sex cell will have 12.

How many sex cell chromosomes are in a goldfish?

They are containing 94 chromosomes In the sex-cell And that my answer to this I think

How many chromoses are in a human sex cell?

A human sex cell has 22 autosomes and 1 sex chromosome (23 total).

How many sex cells are in a bunnys?

46 sex cell are in a bunny

How many chromosomes are in a mature sex cell?

A sex cell contains half the number of chromosomes found in a somatic (normal) cell. Therefore a human sex cell would contain 23 chromosomes.

How many sex chromosomes in a female liver cell?

Two X sex chromosomes are in a female liver cell.

How many chromosomes in a Parent cell compared to sex cell?


How many chromosomes are present in a mature sex cell if the immature sex cell contains 18 chromosomes?

both produce mature sex cells.

How many chromosomes are in normal human sex cell?

There are 23 haploid chromosomes in a normal human gamete (sex cell).

How many chromosomes are in sex cell compared to regular cell?

Half the number of a regular cell

How many chromosomes are there in a fruit fly sex cell?

Hamster sex cells have 22 chromosomes each.

How many chromosomes are present in a normal human sex cell?

There are 23 haploid chromosomes in a normal human gamete (sex cell).