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Q: How many cultural hearths are there?
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The term for a trait with many cultural hearths that developed independent from each other.

What did four out of the five cultural hearths have in common?

someone plz answer

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What are the four major culture hearths?

The four major culture hearths are Mesopotamia, Nile Valley, Indus Valley, and Wei-Huang Valley in China. These regions are considered the birthplaces of early civilizations and have had a significant impact on the development of human societies.

What the meaning of cultural hearth?

A cultural hearth is a site of innovation from which basic ideas, materials, and technology diffuse to many cultures. A cultural hearth is a "heartland", a foundation of a major culture. There are seven main culture hearths which include the Nile Valley Indus Valley, Wei-Huang Valley, Ganges Valley, Mesopotamia, Mesoamerica, West Africa, and Andean America. Many of the ideas and improvements that start up in these hearths spread to other parts of the world. Modern cultural hearths include cities such as London and Tokyo. Other things such as major religions and many inventions have come from the Middle East such as the wheel, plow, sail, and our alphabet. A cultural hearth could also be the early center of civilization.

What are the two cultural hearths in Middle East?

The Middle East contains 2 cultural hearths. The first was in Mesopotamia, the part of present-day Iraq between the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers. The second was in Ancient Egypt along the southern portion of the Nile River.

What cultural hearths is where the Indus Valley Civilization started a. China b. Egypt c. Pakistan?


Is Australia a cultural hearth?

Australia has many cultures within it and most of them are fairly well isolated from each other as the result of racism and xenophobia. so tends to be a bit of a cultural wasteland depending upon the united states for its cultural moores and attitudes. The above answer does not accurately address the question or consider what a cultural hearth is. A cultural hearth is a locality from which which major cultural influences were or are generated. Historically, major cultural hearths are places such as Mesopotamia and West Africa. For this reason, Australia could be considered a minor cultural hearth because the aboriginal culture is completely unique and not replicated anywhere else in the world. The difference is that, normally, many ideas and innovations that begin in cultural hearths spread to other parts of the world. In this regard, Australia is a cultural hearth, as some unique Australian inventions and innovations have been implemented around the world. On the other hand, they do not have a uniquely recognisable "Australian" tag to them, and are not always associated with what is Australian.

What is cultures hearths?

CULTURE HEARTH:An area where a distinctive set of cultural traits develop, such as the Fertile Crescent and the Nile River Valley

What does geography have to do with culture?

there is geography, which studies the location of places, and there is human geography, which studies the location of people, why they are there, cultures of the people, cultural hearths, religions, conflicts, etc.