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Q: How many cups are in one pound of ground beef.?
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How many cups of ground beef 1 lb?

One cup = 8 ounces. Sixteen ounces = 1 pound, so 2 cups in a pound of ground beef.

How many cups of cooked hamburger in a pound?

This is a helpful thing to know when cooking bulk ground meat ahead of time to freeze and use in recipes at a later date. 1 pound of ground beef = 2 1/2 cups browned hamburger meat.

How many quarter cups of beef do you get in a pound?

You get approximately 2 cups, which is 8 quarter cups.

How many cups of raw ground beef equal one pound?

1 cup = 8 oz = 1/2 pound 2 cups = 16 oz = 1 pound

How many cups of raw ground beef equal one-third pound?

10.66 ounces

How many cups in a pound of ground turkey?

There is 2 cups in a pound of ground turkey. There is 8 ounces in a cup, so there is 16 ounces in 2 cups, and 16 ounces is a pound.

How many cups of walnuts are in a pound?

Walnut halfs there are 4 cups in a pound. Ground walnuts are also 4 cups to a pound.

A package of ground beef costs 6.98 the price per pound is 1.86 how many pounds of ground beef are in the package?


One pound of ground beef equals how many kilos?

1 pound = 0.454 kilograms

How many grams of protein are in a half pound of ground beef?

40-50 grams

How many calories in one pound of pan browned ground beef?

There are:approx 1216 calories in one pound of 70% lean, 30% fat, pan-browned, ground beef.approx 864 calories in one pound of 95% lean, 10% fat, pan-browned, ground beef.

A package of ground beef costs 698 The price per pound is 186 How many pounds of ground beef are in the package Round to the nearest hundredth?

698/186= 3.75lbs