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Q: How many days does a soldier have to take and initial APFT?
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30 days.

How many pushups do you have to do for the National Guard?

As many as the same APFT that the Army uses for your age range. See the related link.

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one month

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How many days does the initial assessment phase of the transitioning leader genrally occur?


How do you divorce a deployed soldier?

In Kentucky a special attorney, called a Warning Order Attorney (WOA), is appointed to notify the soldier of the action once it is filed. A time period of 50 days is given for the soldier to contact the WOA to let the WOA know his/her position on the dissolution action. It is time consuming and takes a lot of paperwork, but it is not impossible. Go and interview with as many attorneys as you can. Most initial appointments are free and the advice is priceless.

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including 1535 and 2012, and not counting the ten days that were removed from 1582 when the initial switch to the Gregorian calendar happened, 174577

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The half time of the isotope 234Th is 24,10-(3) days; if you know the initial mass calculate the number of days down to 4 g.

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Soldier of Sidon has 319 pages.