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Q: How many days does break through bleeding last?
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What is break through bleeding and how long can this last for?

Break through bleeding (also know as implantation bleeding) is when the fertilised egg implants in the built-up lining of the uterus. This often causes some of the blood vessels in the lining to burst, which causes the bleeding

Your mom is 45 and last for the two months she didnt get period but the last three days she is getting white bleeding what does it mean?

probably goin through perimenopause. this is the pre stages of menopause

Can implantation bleeding last for more than 5 days?


Can implantation bleeding last longer than two days?


How long can implantation bleeding occur?

can last up to 10 days

How long after implantation bleeding stops will you be able to do a pregnancy test?

Implantation bleeding only last a couple of days and only occurs shortly after conception. Answer 1-3 days

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a week

In a first heat for a dachshund how long does the bleeding last?

About a couple of weeks

Does your period last the whole 7 days while on the placebo pills for birth control?

It may for the first few cycles, you can expect the bleeding to become much lighter over time. The bleeding while using BCP is breakthrough bleeding, not an actual period, as you are not ovulating. It starts in the days after your last hormonal pill in the packet.

Is spotting of light pink blood for four days beginning 10 days after your period more likely to be implantation bleeding or caused by fribroids in your uterus?

The bleeding may be caused by either of the things you mentioned. Implantation bleeding usually occurs 6-12 days after you last had unprotected sex.

Your period started a day after you started your new pack of pills while trying to skip your period for the month Should you keep taking the new pack anyway?

YES! Continue with the active pills, stopping after you have begun a new pack is not the answer!What you are experiencing is break through bleeding. If you did not take any placebo pills, but went right to the new packet of active pills - you cannot be experiencing withdrawal bleeding - which is associated with the 7 days of inactive pills. This bleeding will more than likely only last a couple days.Breakthrough bleeding is most common in the first 3 to 6 months, if you continue to have breakthrough bleeding consult with your OB/GYN.If you are taking mini-pills (AKA POP or *"Progestin only Pills") call your provider as break through bleeding can mean you are ovulating.*generic name: levonorgestrel

How long does implantation menstruation last?

Its not a menstrual its just bleeding or no bleeding and it take 2 to 3 days for completion...if its longer the egg did not attach..and you will have a early period