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Q: How many days does it take for fruit flies to develop from eggs to adults?
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Related questions

What is the difference between a fruit fly and a brine shrimp?

brine shrimp can develop in to adulthood in as little as eight days fruit flies only live for 10 days, that's the shortest in the world fruit flies live off of fresh food female brine shrimp have brood sacs, male brine shrimp have claspers brine shrimp have gills, fruit flies don't

How many eggs can fruit flies lay?

a fruit fly can lay 17000 eggs in 10 days

Does all bananas rot for six days?

7 days or faster if u have fruit flies

How long does it take for fruit flies to turn into adults?

10-18 days. it depends on the variety, some fruit flys like ceratitis cappitata have been known to live for 6 months.

What period of time do fruit flies normally live for?

Fruit flies normally live for 40-50 days although this can be greatly reduced when they are preyed on by other insects and animals. They take about 4 days to emerge from the larvae state and can reproduce about 2 days after that.

How long do fruit flies live without food?

Well about 12-20 days

What is the life span of a fruit fly?

*"Most fruit flies live less than two months" Genome news network. *"37 days to 110 days" study University of Connecticut Health Center.

Why can't patterns of inheritance in humans be as easily studied as in peas and frruit flies.?

Firstly, peas and fruit flies come to maturity much faster than humans so you can fit in lots of generations in a practicable time. Secondly, fruit flies have a much simpler genotype than we do. Finally there are far fewer ethical restrictions when you experiment on flies or peas.

Why does the rafflesia die after five days?

The rafflesia arnaldii flower dies after a few days, not the whole plant. If the flower has been successfully fertilized, a fruit will develop, containing thousands of tiny seeds.

How long does a fly live for?

House flies live to 5 weeks and poo flies live up to 3 weeks I breed flies! poo and house and blue bottles i love flies so much they are the perfect pet ever you dont have to feed them, my house is welcome to all flies i have never killed a fly on purpose

How long is a fly's lifespan?

On average, in the wild, 10-25 days. Some species, such as fruit flies and mayflies, live up to 1 day.

What causes fruit flies?

Habitat accessible by strong-flying, wind-dispersed adults and conducive to creating, depositing and hatching eggs in food-filled, mating-friendly niches is what causes fruit flies. The insects in question need access to decaying, organic-rich sweets, such as fermenting fruit, for feeding larvae and to dry darkness for protecting pupae. They then need opportunities, after four days each in larval and pupal stages, to mate two days after emerging from pupation.