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Q: How many days does it take for trees to grow their leaves back after winter?
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Why do trees to loose their leaves?

Because, the plants need to make their sugars (from the soil to grow) but after winter, a lot of snow gets in the soil. The plants therefore stop working, which means a beautiful season of falling leaves!

What signals to preparing for winter?

Shortening days and lengthening nights, Autumn deciduous trees casting off their leaves, chilly and misty weather, a low sun passing across the sky.

Why do leaves fall off during winter season?

They die. They don't get enough nutrients or water to survive, and the climate is too cold. But when they start getting water, they are back to normal. Leaves are the things trees produce, so went he trees die, so do they.

Why do leaves fall off of the trees in the fall?

trees drop their leaves as a way of keeping moisture in therefore to keep from drying out.this only happens to deciduous trees, it does not happen to evergreen trees though, their leaves stay on all year long keeps though dropping their leaves and instantly re-growing them in spring.

Do evergreen trees lose their leaves in the winter?

yes No, but I will explain. All green things have a growing season. That's why the corn in the field dies and the oak trees' leaves fall off. The usual ideas about cold weather or shorter days are bogus. You can fool plants into lengthening their growing season, but not by much! So just the same as evergreens know when to shoot out new growth and when to drop pine cones, they shed needles too. And I hope you didn't mean Christmas trees......

Why do trees shed their leaves in autumn?

In general all trees sprout new growth come early spring. And some trees gain new leaves after being bare over the winter. Evergreen trees like firs get new growth of needles. And even other trees will burst into bloom, like the Japanese Cherry Trees that are so famous for their pink flowers. Not much happens during the summer. Bot some of the trees that bloomed during the spring start to develop fruit where their flowers once were. The fruit ripens during the summer months and typically are ready for picking by the last month of summer early month of autumn. During late autumn the leaves of the deciduous trees change from green to multiple colors (red, yellow) and eventually fall off leaving the trees bare again for the winter. The evergreens stay green and do not lose their needles, but they do go dormant to conserve energy. During the winter months all trees lie dormant for the most part. The notable exceptions are tropical trees like palm trees, fig trees, and fern trees that stay green and active in the tropical parts of the world.

What are those white silky nests in trees?

They are nests of gypsy moth caterpillars. They can strip a tree of all of its leaves in a matter of days, killing the trees.

What are some examples of fall metaphors?

Yellow, orange and red leaves on trees. Shorter days and chilly weather.

In how many days that gumamela leaves turn to yellow?

The gumamela leaves usually turn to yellow during the winter period. This is because during the winter the sun is usually absent which leads to the plants failing to make their own food.

Why do leaves of deciduous trees fall in the autumn?

Deciduous trees lose leaves in autumn because of the changing conditions in climate (warm to cooler temperatures) and light reduction as days are growing shorter. These factors cause a problem in water transport from the ground and can lead to dormancy in deciduous trees.

How do plants adapt to the temperate rainforest?

Summer is a busy time for deciduous trees. Their broad leaves capture energy from the sun and convert it to food by photosynthesis. Some of the food is used for growth and some is stored in the roots for next spring. During the shorter days and cooler weather of autumn, green chlorophyll in the leaves begins to decompose, revealing brilliant oranges, yellows, and reds. Actually, these colors were present in the leaves all year long, but had been hidden by the green pigment of the chlorophyll. To prepare for winter, deciduous trees and plants become dormant. They lose their leaves and seal the places where leaves were attached with a protective covering called a leaf scar. If they kept their leaves, the water in the leaves would freeze into ice, damaging the leaves and leaving the plant vulnerable to bacteria or fungi. Plants also make a concentrated sugar solution to stop water from freezing in their stems. The longer days and warmer weather of spring signal to the trees to grow new leaves and begin photosynthesis again.

What are the sticky water looking droplets on the back of the leaves of the leaves of a money tree?

I have this same problem, sappy-stick water droplets form on the back of the leaves and they die within a few days. Any advice?