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The sun appears to make a complete trip around the equator every 24 hours.

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Q: How many days does it take the sun to rotate around the equator?
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How many days does the sun take to rotate around the equator?

The sun appears to make a complete trip around the equator every 24 hours.

How many days does it take the sun to make a complete rotation?

It takes 25 days to rotate at the equator and 36 days to rotate at the poles.

It takes about how many days for the sun to rotate near its equator?

It takes the Earth exactly 365 days to fully rotate the sun. Witch is the same amount as a whole year.

How many days does it take for the moon to rotate around the earth?

27.32 days -

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I believe it is 88 days.

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18889.34 in earth days

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687 days

How many days does it take the moon to rotate on its axis and revolve around the earth?

About 27.3 days.

How many days moon take to rotate around the sun?

It rotates around Earth not the sun.

How many times does mercury rotate around the sun?

It takes 88 days.

How many days will rotate the moon around the earth?

until earth exist

How many days does it take the moon to rotate around is axis and revolel around the earth?

27 1/2 days for both.