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Q: How many days does president work in a year?
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How many days a year do you work if you only work 4 days?

208 days

If there is 365 days in a year and you do not work 2 days of the week how many days do you work?

260 days.

If you work 6 days a week how many days do you work in a year?

6 days per week x 52 weeks per year = 312 days per year

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How many days does a NASA scientist work a year?

365 stink'n days

How many working days in a month?

I'm assuming the question is "How many work days in a month?" Depends on the month and if there are holidays that month or now. February can be 20 work days but if President's Day is on a week day it's 19. August a month of 31 days and no holidays this year has 21 work days.

How many days does the president get off work?

The last one got 365 days a year off Hopefully the new one can improve on that stat US labor laws do not apply to elected persons; theyb receive an ANNUAL pay regardless of days worked. No President has ever taken a year off since Woodrow Wilson.

How many work days are there in a year including weekends and holidays?

365 days and a 1/4 and 366 days in a leap year.

How many days do egyptologist work for?

The average egyptologists work 10 hours a day and 300 days per year.

How many days in year did people work in the 1600s?

Since 90% of the population was in farming they worked 365 days a year.

How many work days per year in victoria australia?


If you make 55 dollars an hour how much is that a year?

That depends on how many days a week you work and how many weeks you work and how many hours you work.