

How many days is one year in moon?

Updated: 7/5/2023
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15y ago

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Not sure what you are asking. The Moon orbits the Earth almost like a twin planet, at a distance of about 250 thousand miles, so it completes the journey around the Sun in the same time that the Earth does, so its year is the same as the Earth's. The Earth is about 93 million miles from the Sun, far greater than the distance from the Moon to the Earth.

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15y ago

A "day" on the moon (sunrise to sunrise, or sunset to sunset, or whatever) is about 29 days. A "year" on the moon ... well, what does "year" mean? It orbits its primary (Earth) in the same period of time as it spins on its axis, about 29 days, but it orbits the sun at the same rate the Earth does, about 365 days.

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How many days in one moon year?

A "Moon year" is almost exactly the same as an Earth year. That's about 365 Earth days. The Earth and Moon orbit the Sun in about 365.25 Earth days. So the answer is: about 365. If you mean how many "Moon days" in one Moon year, that's different. The Moon rotates in about 27.3 Earth days. That's one definition of a "Moon day". In that case the answer is about 365/27.3 days = about 13.37 days.

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If a "day" is the time from one sunrise to the next, then on the moon, that's roughly 29 earth days.

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As the Moon revolves around the Earth, the time taken to revolve around the Sun is the same as the Earth ~365.25 days or one year.

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The Moon goes once around the Earth about every 28 days. The Earth goes once around the Sun every 365.4 days, or one year. Therefore, the Moon, while orbiting the Earth, goes around the Sun once a year.

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As the Moon revolves around the Earth, the time taken to revolve around the Sun is the same as the Earth ~365.25 days or one year.

How many days are there between one full moon and the there?

About 29.53 days.

How many days does it take for the moon to complete one orbit?

About 27.5 days. From one full moon to the next, it takes a bit longer - about 29.5 days.

How many earh days equals one moon day?

The Moon does not have day and night in the way that we do. Because of the speed of it's rotation around the Earth, and the speed of the Earth's rotation, one side of the moon is in permanent darkness, while the other is in permanent light.

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One day on the moon is equal to approximately 29.5 Earth days. This is because it takes the moon about 29.5 days to complete one full rotation on its axis, which is the same amount of time it takes to complete one orbit around the Earth.

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Moon takes 27 days to rotate earth for one cycle.

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A full moon rises once a month, roughly every 29.5 days.