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Q: How many days late for divorce payments to be in contempt of court?
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Is a civil contempt of court a felony or misdemeanor in Utah?

Neither - civil penalties are not classified as misdemeanors or felonies. It is simply "contempt of court" for which you can be fined (but rarely jailed).

How long does the court in California have to process a proof of service for divorce?

The court in California takes a maximum of 120 days to process a proof of service for divorce.

How many days do you spend in jail for con temp of court?

as many as they want to give you. my husband was found in contempt and they gave him 281 days!

What did the court rule in Jon and Kate Gosselin's divorce?

There were many court actions related to the Gosselin's divorce, but the court ruling directly related to the divorce complaint was to grant the divorce and to provide Jon Gosselin custody of his children 4 days a month. Later court rulings changed the terms and conditions.

once i file my divorce papers with the courts, how long do i have to serve him until the filing is expired?

You should wait for 60 days after Filing for divorce and you and your Spouse should ask the court to finalize a divorce.This time will begins on the day you file your divorce petition with the court.

When a defendant is in contempt of a court order and his 42 days for filing an appeal have passed what can be done legally to properly enforce the original court order signed by the Judge?

If the defendant in the case has not exercised their right of appeal, then they have defaulted on their privilege to do so, then the original order of the court becomes fully enforceable. If this is a civil court judgement, there is no option except to file a motion for civil contempt (of the judge's original order) with the court, and getting the other party back to court for a hearing.

What is the penalty for contempt of court in Virginia?

It can depend - either a monetary fine, time in jail. or a penalty of the judge's choosing.

How much time would you serve if you were convicted of contempt of court in Cuyahoga county Ohio?

A court can only punish a criminal contempt up to 179 days, and $500 without a jury trial. Anything more than that requires a trial with a jury. See, Otis v. Meade, 483 S.W.2d 161 (Ky. 1972). However, on civil contempt, a Court can hold someone indefinitely in jail until they agree to obey the Court's Order. As the Supreme Court said in Commonwealth v. Burge, "While one may be sentenced to jail for civil contempt, it is said that the contemptuous one carries the keys to the jail in his pocket, because he is entitled to immediate release upon his obedience to the court's order" See, 947 S.W.2d 805, 808 (1996).

Wife refuses to sign divorce papers in Georgia?

If you serve your spouse and he/she refuses to sign after a certain amount of time (based on state), usually 30 days. You can usually go to your court hearing with proof that you've served your spouse and he/she has not responded within 30 days. They may have defaulted (failed to respond) on the divorce which means you win your divorce by default.

What is the time limit for a divorce to become final in Colorado?

90 days from the date the signed and notorized forms are filed with the court.

How do you divorce an illegal immigrant who went back to Mexico 2 years ago?

If you get a lawyer, he will explain that you can get a divorce from anybody and that they do not have to be present at the court hearing. A summons will be sent to him and if not found in a certain amount of time you can run an ad in a local paper for so many days or weeks. Once the court date comes around and the person does not show up in court, the judge will grant you the divorce and this person will still have to file for a divorce from you when they decide that they want to be divorced from you. In other words you will be divorce from them but they will not be divorced from you.

How long does it take for a divorce to be final in the state of Texas?

Technically, there is no "legal separation" in the state of Texas. So one doesn't need to be separated for any amount of time to file for a divorce. One can just file at will. You can still be sharing a residence and have your spouse served. You have to wait at least sixty days before you can go to court and have the divorce granted.