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Q: How many days would it take for the earth to go around the sun 3 times?
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Related questions

How many days does it takes for the moon to revolve around the earth 4 times?

About 110 days

How many times does the earth spin around in a year?

The earth spins around once every day for 365 days.

How many times does the earth orbit around the sun?

it take the earth 360 days= 1 year

How many days does saturn revolve around in a day?

In 24 hours, or one earth day, Saturn would have rotated 2 ¼ times.

What is mercurys period of revolution in years?

Mercury's period of revolution around the Sun is about 88 Earth days.

How many earth days does it take jupiter to go around the sun?

It takes 11.86 earth years for Jupiter to orbit around the sun so converting the years into days. 11.86 TIMES 365 = 4329 EARTH DAYS.

How many times does the moon circle the earth in the time it takes the earth to circle the sun?

Earth takes 365 days (1 year) to revolve around Sun Moon takes 29.5 days (1 Month) to revolve around Earth So Moon would complete approx. 12 revolutions (that's why we have 12 months) in 1 Year

How many times moon rotate the earth inayear?

The moon revolves around the Earth in about one month (27 days 8 hours) so it's around 12 times.

How would the tides on earth be different if the moon resolved around earth in 15 days instead of 30 days?

Mainly, to revolve around the Earth in 15 days, the Moon would have to be closer (you can calculate the ratio using Kepler's Third Law). This would make the tides stronger.

How many times does the moon orbit around the earth everyday?

The Moon orbits Earth just once in 27.3 days.

How many times will the moon make around the earth in 365 days?

The Moon takes about 28 1/2 days to go once around the Earth (that's the sidereal period). Perhaps you can work it out from there.

How would the tides on earth be different if the moon around earth in 15 days instead of 30 days?

If the moon moved around the earth faster, while the earth maintained the same rotational speed, the period between spring and neap tides would be less.