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Q: How many defenders at the Alamo were from Texas?
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How did the Alamo ended?

The Battle of the Alamo ended in total defeat for the Texas defenders.

The Mexican army killed how many defenders in the Alamo?

All the Alamo defenders were killed.

In the Battle of the Alamo how many defenders came from whales?

None. All the Alamo defenders were from human mothers.

How many troops were in the Alamo?

There are estimated of between 120 and 175 defenders at The Alamo.

James Bowie and the Alamo?

James Bowie was one of the defenders of the Alamo Mission while it was attacked by a large Mexican force. He was killed there along with all the Texas patriots that were there.

How many Texans defended Alamo?

There were 41 defenders,. Several were from Europe.

Was davey crokett exucuted or killed in the battle?

Davy Crockett was killed during the Battle of the Alamo on March 6, 1836. He fought alongside the defenders of the Alamo and died defending the fort in San Antonio, Texas, during the Texas Revolution.

What had the defenders of the Alamo done for Texans?

the defenders of the Alamo willingly placed them selves in harms way to protect their country

What 4 Alamo defenders have the same last name?

Four Alamo defenders had this last name: Taylor

What did the Alamo change?

the defenders of the Alamo willingly placed them selves in harms way to protect their country

What was William b Travis the commander of?

Defenders at the Alamo

Which country supplied most of the soldiers who defended the Alamo why did this anger Santa Ana?

Mexico. Most of the defenders of the Alamo were Texans. Texas at the time was part of Mexico, thus most of the defenders were Mexican citizens fighting for independence.