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360 degrees

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Q: How many degrees go all the way around the Earth?
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Related questions

How mAny degrees does longitude measure?

Any line all the way around the Earth covers 360 degrees of longitude.

How much degrees does the earth turn in a day?

All the way around ... 360 degrees.

How many degrees does the earth turn each day?

The Earth rotates all the way around in a little over twenty four hours.

How many degrees of longitude is the Earth divided into?

The earth is divided into 360 degrees longitude.

How many degrees of longitude of arc on the globe?

All the way around anything that's measured in angles is typically 360 degrees, and the earth is no exception.

How many degrees is it around the earth to the north pole?

The South Pole is at 90 degrees S latitude. The North Pole is at 90 degrees N latitude. All lines of longitude converge at both poles. The Equator is at 0 degrees latitude.

How many degrees does the earth rotate around the sun each day?

A full rotation of Earth is considered one day if only the planet is observed, therefore the Earth will rotate 360 degrees in a day. If the rotation of the Earth is taken into account with the orbit around the sun, the Earth will rotate just under 361 degrees per day.

How many degrees of latitude are there on the earth?

180, all the way from -90 at the south pole to +90 at the north pole.

What does 54 degrees 40 minutes N Latitude mean?

It's a description of the location of an imaginary line all the way around the earth. It means that if you were sitting in a comfortable chair at the center of the earth looking at the equator, you'd have to rotate your eyes up through an angle of 54 degrees 40 minutes (that's 54 and 2/3 degrees) to point your eyes at this imaginary line. Then, as the earth rotated around you, you would see all the places on earth that are located at this latitude.

Does the Earths tip always point in the same direction?

No it does not. Since the Earth is constantly spinning, and also rotating around the sun, the earth will point in all 360 degrees.

How many total degrees of latitudes are drawn on the globe?

In order to travel through all possible latitudes, you'd have to travel all the waybetween the Earth's poles. That's half-way around the globe, or 180 degrees.

How many degrees are in a circle?

A circle is 360 degrees. Half of a circle is 180 degrees and a quarter of a circle is 90 degrees.There are 360 degrees in a circle