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Q: How many descendants of the schindler Jews are there?
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How many Jews were saved on Schindler's List?

over 1200

Are any of the Schindler Jews descended from Oskar Schindler?


Did the Jews in Schindler's list remain safe?

Yes, according to the end of the film, the Jews saved by Schindler, called Schindler Jews remained safe. In fact, today, there are over 6 thousand descendents of Schindler Jews. I got that number from the end of the movie, it was not made up.

How is Schindler's ark like Noah's ark?

In Noah's Ark Noah saves many animals from being killed by a flood. In Schindler's Ark Schindler saves many Jews from being killed in the Holocaust

How many Jews did Oskar Schindler save?

Oskar Schindler saved almost 1,200 Jews during WWII.

How many people did Schindler save in the Holocaust?

Yes there is still many of Jews that was on the list alive

How many people were on Schindler's List?

Around 1,100 Jews.

Did Oskar Schindler let some Jews escape?

No he kept the jews in the factory safe and the jews worked for him this was so good of Oskar Schindler even though he was a german person he save millions of jews

What was the difference between the ghetto and the life the Jews left behind in Schindler's List?

In the film Schindler's List the Jews live and work from the ghetto, much like many Jews did at that time. Later in the film the Jews are moved to a concentration camp, some two kilometres from the factory from where they walked to work.

Who compiled Schindler's list?

because there was no actual list that is hard to answer. there were many lists complied detailing the Jews that worked in Schindler's factories, about forty of these lists were made over the five years, they were compiled by Schindler's various managers.

Where is the ring given to Oscar schindler by his Jews?

He lost it.

Did schindler save the Jews out of empathy?

yes he did i think