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The number of diapers a baby uses per day is often dependent upon a baby's age and how often they are eating and/ or being changed. When a baby is first brought home from the hospital it is not hard to use a dozen or more diapers per day but thankfully that number decreases as the child grows older.

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Q: How many diapers does the average baby use per day?
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How many diapers are used for one baby?

A new born baby uses approximately 8 diapers a day. If a baby uses on average 6-8 diapers per day, then for one year, they will use between 2,200 and 2,900 diapers.

How many diapers does an average 3 month old baby soil in a day?

Infants soil more diapers in a day than older toddlers. On average, they will go through 7-9 diapers a day.

How many diapers does an average toddler use?

8 diapers a day

How many dirty diapers should a baby us a day?

None. YOu should use clean diapers on a baby.

How many diapers do baby use in 1 day?

Well it does depend on your baby and how old he/she is. Here is a diagram which should help: From 1 to 3 months: 5 to 9 diapers 4 to 5 months: 4 to 7 diapers 6 to 12 months: 3 to 6 diapers 12 to 24 months: 2 to 4 diapers a day. But remember this is just the AVERAGE hope this helps you :-)

How much do diapers cost yearly?

The cost of a pack of 124 Pampers Baby Dry Diapers (Newborn size) is approximately $26.00, and a baby uses about 10 diapers per day, on average. Therefore, the cost for a year of diapers would be approximately $765.

How much do diapers cost per month?

Babies go through several diapers a day, especially when they are young. The average baby needs about $80-150 worth of diapers a month.

How many diapers does a baby use per year?

If the baby is changed about every 4 hours, that means 6 changings a day. So a baby uses about 2,190 diapers a year.

What is the average number of diapers a baby uses a day?

Up to 10 or more diapers to day and then it will decrease with age. Newborns use more than toddlers.

How many diapers does a baby use in a lifetime?

National Geograchic did a study that said the average American uses 3796 in a lifetime. I find that number to be very light, if the average baby is potty trained at 2 1/2 years 3796 would be only 4 diaper changes per day. At 6 diapers per day for 2 1/2 years a closer number will be 5,475 - even that is a short estimate. This is probably because the number is an average. I'm assuming that you're talking about disposable diapers, and some people use cloth diapers.

If breastfeeding how many diapers will you go through a day?

If the baby is getting enough milk... 6-8 a day.

I'm wanting to use cloth diapers for when I have my baby so about how many liners and how many diapers do I need to buy?

Buy quite a few. Figure about ten a day to be on the safe side.