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Q: How many did deities Aztecs worship?
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What belief system has many deities?

Hinduism has many deities. I'm no expert in this belief system. But I do know they worship deities.

How many deities does Hindu's worship?

330 million

What was the religion of the Aztecs?

The Aztecs practiced a polytheistic religion centered around multiple deities, with particular emphasis on Huitzilopochtli, the god of sun and war. They believed in human sacrifice as a way to ensure the sun's continued rise and agricultural prosperity. Their religious practices were a central aspect of their society and influenced many aspects of daily life.

Is a pagan and a Christian the same?

No. Christians are monotheists who worship one deity. Pagans are often polytheist. They worship many deities and often welcome the deities of others into their folds.

Why did the Aztecs worship the Aztecs?

Because they liked it

Did the Aztecs worship the sun?

yes, like many early religions

What did the Aztecs worship?

The Aztecs worshiped many gods. They were collectively known as the Pantheon. Gods had their own temples in the Aztec capital.

Do followers of Jainism worship god?

Jains worship non-creator deities.

Did the Aztecs have a place of worship?

Yes, the Aztecs had numerous temples and religious structures dedicated to their gods. One of the most important ones was the Templo Mayor in their capital city, Tenochtitlan. It was where they performed rituals, sacrifices, and ceremonies to honor their deities.

What is Solar Lunar deity?

Solar and Lunar deities are Gods that pesonlise the sun or moon and as some religious groups worship the sun or moon they worship their Deities.

How many gods and goddesses did the Aztecs worship?

Around 200 according to this archeology website

Why do hindus worship so many deities?

because they believe that each deity should be worshipped as it has a specific task.