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Q: How many different gametes are for XXHhuU?
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How many different gametes can heterozygous organism produce?

Literally millions of different gametes. That is why each individual is unique.

How many different gametes can be produced from the genotype AaBBDDEeff?

The possible gametes are ABDEf, aBDEf, ABDef, and aBDef.

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How many different gametes can it produce?

No gametes are formed in asexual reproduction because they are only formed in sexual reproduction. Many cells can come from one cell in asexual reproduction which is really a cloning process, but not gametes.

How many different gametes can RRYy parent form?

Four can be formed RY, Ry, rY and ry.

How many different kinds gametes will an individual with genotype AAbb produce?

2 can

How many genetically different gametes are produced by an individual of genotype AaBbCcDd?


Skin color in a fish is inherited via a single gene with four different alleles How many different types of gametes would be possible in this system?

it's genotypes not gametes

The number of possible genetically different gametes for an organism equals 2N, where N is the number of pairs of chromosomes. If an organism has four pairs of chromosomes, how many different gametes can it produce?

16 (apex)

How many different gametes in a genotype aaBBccDD?

Only one; A. At least concerning this one trait.

How many gametes do insects have?

Approximately 2,468,754.156247892 gametes

If an oranism has 6 pairs of chromosomes how many different gametes can it produce?

64 :) {APEX}