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Q: How many different shapes of volcanoes are there?
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Why are there different shapes of volcanoes?

Because of how the plates compress.

Why are volcanoes different shapes?

well... nothing can be the same can it so that is why :)

Why do the different types of volcanoes have different shapes to them?

Because sometimes they have explosions and change shape.

What creates the shapes of different volcanoes?

The inner core and the liquid outer core does.

What shapes are volcanoes?

Volcanoes are cone shaped.

Name the different types of volcanoes according to their shape?

There are three types of volcanoes which have different shapes and types of eruptions. * Shield Volcanoes - are low and flat and have small, flowing eruptions. * Composite Volcanoes - are a mixture between shield volcanoes and cone volcanoes, their eruptions are explosive. * Cone Volcanoes - are the tallest and largest volcanoes, and they have VERY explosive eruptions.

Why are volcanoes diffrent shapes?

cos they are

Can different shapes have the same Volume?

Yes many different shapes can have the same volume

How many shapes can rocks come as?

135 different shapes

What are the shapes orf volcanoes?

They look like cones

What shapes California's landscape?

consistent eruptinon of volcanoes

Why Do We Study The Shapes Of Volcanoes?

It's a lava fun