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Q: How many dolphins in captivity die per year?
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How many dolphins die a year and why?

about 637,00 dolphins die a year about 10,000 Atlantic white-sided dolphins die a year they decay

Why do dolphins die of captivity?

Because babies have sex with scorpions and their banies rape dolphins

Is it mainly pollution dolphins die to?

Alot of Dolphins can die from pollution but many die from gatting caught in the big fishing nets or even from captivity. Dolphins are mainly used in captivity as attractions and die from it. They need freedom and even if you release a captured dolphin, they may not survive because they are used to being looked after by humans and feed by them, they may think they do not need to look after them selves but when released into the ocean, there may not always be someone watching their back! I am new to this site and I hope that I have helped. Please add your comments and tell me how I can improve and what you think of my answer!

Will dolphins become or are dolphins extinct?

there are many dolphins, and they will keep having babies unless they die off.

How many many dolphins die every year?

it really depends. Some die from being hunted, some die from water pollution and poisoning. Somewhere from the hundreds to thousands. Hope this helps.

How many monkeys die a year in a zoo?

Animals have a tendency to die much earlier in captivity then they do in the wild. Not a lot of primate deaths are reported each year however since they do have longer life spans.

Do dolphins sleep in schools?

No they do not sleep in schools but they sleep with one eye open partly because of enemies but because they have to think to breath. And if they do not think of breathing they will die, if they are knocked unconsious then they will die because they are not thinking of breathing.

What catastrophic events have affected dolphins?

Human development. Many dolphins die in fishing nets as an unintended catch or die from exposure to pollutants.

Do dolphins live in aquariums?

yes dolphins are just as important as any other animals. dolphins have been known to help people recover who went through tramatic expiriences. no dolphins should NOT be kept ins zoos because zoos are captivity and dolphins get depressed in captivity and commit suiside because there is no roming space and the croud is extreemly noise and dolphins have very acute hereing

How many Siberian tigers die every year?

there are 160 Siberian tigers left in captivity

How many dolphins die a day?

On average, it is estimated that hundreds of dolphins die each day due to various reasons such as pollution, bycatch in fishing nets, and habitat destruction. The exact number varies depending on different factors such as location and threats in that particular area.

Do dolphins die until one year?

If you mean do dolphins live for one year then the answer is no, The average life expectancy for the bottle-nose dolphins is about 25 years. the maximum age (which only a few will reach) is more than 40 years.