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Q: How many doors do vikings longhouses have?
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Who lives in longhouses?

Vikings and their families.

Do all vikings live in longhouses?

The longhouses were built from the 1600's to the early 1800's.The vikings or The First Nations Peoples built them with manure which is simply pooh from the Adresstyes which was a animal that was a lot like the American bison or North American Buffalo.Oh i am not talking about tipies or wigwams i am talking about LONGHOUSES this was noted from the American Book of Longhouse and History.

How many longhouses were in an village?

there are 18 longhouses in a village

How many people made longhouses?

10 people made longhouses

What were vikings houses made of?

Viking longhouses were made of wood and mud daub or pitch sealant. Where do you think the Viking shipbuilding expertise came from.

Did the Senecas live in longhouses?

The Seneca lived in longhouses and wigwams. The longhouses were designed to house many families or clans. The wigwams were small and housed a single family.

Did the Algonquins live in longhouses?

The Pequot, Native Americans that inhabited in Connecticut, lived in villages that were made up of longhouses and wigwams. Longhouses were made of wood and could accommodate many people. These people hunted, farmed, and fished for food.

Who lives in long houses?

The long houses are such an obvious invention that it can be found in several civilizations across the World. Native Americans, Amazon Indians and Vikings all used longhouses of similar size and general design. Some Native Americans lived in longhouses. Extended families, or communities sometimes lived in longhouses instead of wigwams. The longhouse allowed for a larger number of people to live in the same building.

Do Mohawks live in Longhouses or Tipis?


What did the iroquois do in the longhouses?

The Iroquois lived in their longhouses.

Did the Wampanoag Indians live in longhouses?

yes they lived in longhouses

How do you know the Vikings were here?

In 1962, archaeologist uncoverd proof that vikings had estabished a settlement in L'Anse aux Meadow in northern Newfoundland.the remains of seven longhouses, a steambath, two cooking pots, and four boat sheds were uncovered. The houses were very much like those found in Greenland.