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Q: How many draft dodgers have become president?
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Many people suspected the antiwar protesters were really what?

Draft dodgers.

Many people suspected that anti war protesters were really?

Scared of military duty (draft dodgers).

What role did Canada have in Vietnam?

I know that many thousands of draft dodgers from America found permanent shelter in Canada.

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Many people suspected that anit war protestors were really?

The politically motivated US citizens believed they were communists. The rest of the American public simply considered them to be people that had a fear of military induction. Or to quote a common phrase from the "man on the street" during the 1960s, "...long haired bearded hippie draft dodgers" or more simply, "hippie draft dodgers."

Many people suspected that anti-war protestors were really what?

Many people (both men and women) knew that most of the protesters were draft dodgers (by virtue of their age and gender). Communist >>NovaNet<<

What is the controversial issue that involed the draft durning the Vietnam war?

NOT too many young men want to have their heads shaved to the skin; be yelled at by complete strangers, and have to do PHYSICAL training; ALL AGAINST THEIR WILL. Regimentation and discipline (the military) is not liked by most draft dodgers.

How many electoral votes do you have to win to become president?

270 votes from the electoral college are required to become president.

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How Many Years do you have to be in the US before you can become president?

You have to be in the U.S. for at least 14 years and have to be 35 years or older to become president of the U.S.

How many pardons can a president give?

Presidents can pardon as many people as they want. President Clinton issued 456 executive clemency orders - 395 pardons and 61 commutations - between 1993 and January 20, 2001. President Bush has issued 191 pardons to date, and is expected to do so a number of times more before he leaves office. Jimmy Carter granted amnesty to ALL Vietnam-era draft dodgers, so amnesty can be granted to a very large number of people, not just one person.