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Q: How many earth years does it take for earth to orbit sun?
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How many earth years does it take for mercurys orbit?

Mercury's orbit of the sun take 88 Earth days so 0.24 Earth years

How many earth years does it take to Jupiter to orbit the sun?

Jupiter takes 11.8618 Earth years to orbit the sun once

How long does it take Saturn to orbit the sun how many earth years is that?

29.45 Earth Years

How many Earth years does it take to orbit the sun?

It is about365

How many earth yaers does it take neptune to orbit the does?

165 Earth Years

How many years does Earth take to complete an orbit of the sun?

a single orbit around the sun is one earth year ...

How many years does it take for earth to orbit around the sun?


How many years does it take netuneto orbit the sun?

Neptune takes approximately 164.8 Earth years to orbit the sun.

How many Earth-years does Jupiter take to orbit the sun?

It takes about 11.86 years for the planet Jupiter to orbit the sun. That is equivalent to about 4,332 earth days.

How many earth years does it take for your Saturn to orbit the sun?

Approximately 29

How many years or day do it take Jupiter to orbit the sun?

it takes 12 earth years

How many earth days does it take uranes to orbit the sun?

184 years, (67,204.5646) Earth Days.